Moving away from home and leaving close friends

Thinking back to last September when I was getting ready to come to BU, I felt so nervous. Not just because of the move but because I would be leaving both my family and friends and home and starting an adventure of my very own. Friends They’re here for us when we need them and… Read more » about Moving away from home and leaving close friends

Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier

Graduating is always the icing on the cake when it comes to education. It is that moment when you finally close the chapter to one part of your educational story. Graduating with a postgraduate degree in Events Management was my second biggest accomplishment; my first being graduating from my undergraduate degree. However, with graduation comes… Read more » about Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier

Presenting my dissertation research at an international conference

This is a guest blog by student Sabine Töppig, who has just graduated with a first honours degree in Events Management. I have just returned from the island Chios in Greece where the annual International Conference of Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism (ICSIMAT) was held. The conference chair Androniki (Niki) Kavoura from the University of… Read more » about Presenting my dissertation research at an international conference

Forest Resilience SERT to Croatia

This summer I was lucky enough to take part in a one-week ‘Student Environmental Research Team [SERT] trip along with 4 other students and 2 lecturers, to Croatia. This was such an amazing opportunity not only to develop research skills but also to travel to a new country, all thanks to doing my BSc (Hons)… Read more » about Forest Resilience SERT to Croatia

Juggling paid work and university

This is a guest blog by current student Gabriella Archeampong who studies BSc (Hons) Psychology and applied through Clearing. I came to BU through Clearing four years ago and I couldn’t be more happy with how things have turned out. Not getting your predicted grades and getting into your first choice of university can feel… Read more » about Juggling paid work and university

BU Maintenance Bursary

Applying to university can be stressful, and the financial side can be a huge decision breaker when deciding whether to come to university or not. It was definitely one of my initial worries, and although there is a maintenance loan which helps for living costs, this is something that has to be paid back and… Read more » about BU Maintenance Bursary

The uni project that moved me

Hey everyone, my name is Alejandra and I’m an MSc Nutrition and Behaviour student from Colombia. Throughout the academic year, I have had lots of different projects from my course, from my placement, through the Global Talent Programme or other extra-curricular activities. There is one, in particular, that I will forever remember because it had… Read more » about The uni project that moved me

My eye-opening nursing elective in Zambia

This is a guest blog by Jasmine Wright, 3rd-year BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing student at BU. She recently travelled to Lusaka in Zambia on a two-week clinical elective to see the differences between healthcare in the UK and in the developing world. This was one of the best experiences of my life. When I started… Read more » about My eye-opening nursing elective in Zambia

My BA (Hons) sociology experience

This is a guest blog by current student Suzanne Ballamy studying BA (Hons) Sociology. I am currently a Sociology student at BU doing a placement year, and will be returning to Bournemouth in September to do my final year. My experience of my course may be slightly different to others as with choosing to take… Read more » about My BA (Hons) sociology experience

How I gain valuable insights through studying Sociology and Social Anthropology

This is a guest blog by current student Alexander Knights. During my time studying BA (Hons) Sociology & Anthropology (now called BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Anthropology), I have found interests in the everyday things we take for granted within our society. Units such as Ancient People and Places and Into the Field have provided… Read more » about How I gain valuable insights through studying Sociology and Social Anthropology

Different job opportunities I’ve had during my time at Bournemouth University

When I first arrived at Bournemouth University, I promised that I would try my best to immerse myself into my environment in order to make the most of the experience. What better way than to find a job at the university and gain valuable experience along the way? Whether it was a paid or unpaid… Read more » about Different job opportunities I’ve had during my time at Bournemouth University