My advice for second year students: How to not fall behind & embrace the change

I am just over halfway through my second year of my four-year degree. It’s different from the first year. Quite different. Good and bad. I can imagine my first-year experience was similar to many other first-year experiences (of a four-year degree). Lots of meeting new people, going out all the time, maybe skipping the odd… Read more » about My advice for second year students: How to not fall behind & embrace the change

Pulling off the transition into university life

The step up from school to university is probably one of the biggest (and most exciting!) ones you will take in your educational career. One minute you’re in the midst of being chased for coursework, making appointments for parents evening and asking to go to the toilet in class, and the next… you’re having to… Read more » about Pulling off the transition into university life