Understand the UK job market – tips from BU Career team to prepare for my future job

Being part of the job market is the first step to building your career plan. Given the profound impact of the global pandemic, the job market is changing at an ever-faster pace. Especially for international graduates, understanding the UK’s job market will help you become more employable. Here are some tips that the BU Career… Read more » about Understand the UK job market – tips from BU Career team to prepare for my future job

Why I think you should consider a career in STEM

This is a guest blog from Samira, a Design & Engineering PhD student. Here she talks about what it’s like as a woman to go into the engineering sector, the career opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) once she graduates and the advice she has for prospective students thinking about a career in… Read more » about Why I think you should consider a career in STEM

Opportunities to build intercultural competence while studying at Bournemouth University

Being able to work across cultures is an increasingly necessary skill for graduates to impress employers in the competitive job market. Building intercultural competence while studying at university will benefit your career in the future. What is intercultural competence, and what are the opportunities to build these skills? Follow me to discover more! What is… Read more » about Opportunities to build intercultural competence while studying at Bournemouth University

Paramedic Science student ready for placement

My BU student Paramedic experience

This guest blog  has been written by James Pilbeam, a final year BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science student. He talks about life as a student at BU as well as his experience of the facilities and placements whilst studying and where next after graduation.  Well, COVID has meant that it certainly has not been a conventional… Read more » about My BU student Paramedic experience

Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

The following blog is written by Katie Ball, who is a third year student studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. She reflects on her achievements and challenges on this course and whilst on placement.  I’m Katie and I am currently a third year at BU studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. I started my student paramedic journey… Read more » about Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

NUS Extra card

My budgeting tips for NHS students

Figuring out how to manage finances as a student can be tough, particularly if you’re an NHS student required to participate in mandatory unpaid placements throughout the year. I’ve worked for the NHS as a health care worker for 3 years and have met many students. Alongside this, I am a social work student in… Read more » about My budgeting tips for NHS students

How to stay organised as a student

It can be tough to get motivated again after the Christmas break, but to kick off 2022 I’d like to share some of my study tips on staying organised with upcoming deadlines. First of all, I really like the app ‘My Duty’. I’ve been using it since before I went to university and it works… Read more » about How to stay organised as a student

The variety of learning opportunities my Law degree provides

This is a guest blog written by Holly Davenport Miller, a second-year Law student. So far, I have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of events and activities run by the law department. Guest speakers have delivered sessions providing insight into their careers, as well as outlining the path which led them to… Read more » about The variety of learning opportunities my Law degree provides


What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Now that you have graduated! You must have been congratulated for a job well done; to be candid postgraduate programme generally are rigorous. Particularly Master of Laws (LL.M) entails personal research and development alongside the requirement to fulfill some hours of attendance of seminars and lectures. As an international student, the competition is higher, therefore,… Read more » about What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Pot with coins overflowing

How bursaries have impacted my HE journey

Grants, bursaries, loans and scholarships! It can be so overwhelming starting university and wondering how you’ll be able to afford to support yourself whilst studying. Bournemouth University offers two bursaries to students that are eligible to coincide with your student loan. The first one I’m going to run through is the BU Maintenance Bursary. I’ve… Read more » about How bursaries have impacted my HE journey

Words from a Music and Sound Production Technology graduate

This is a guest blog written by Clara-Mae Turrall who graduated from BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production Technology in 2021. Whilst studying, Clara was Head of Music and Head of Station sound at Nerve Radio and part of the Women’s Campaign Committee . I chose to study BA (Hons) Music and Sound Production Technology… Read more » about Words from a Music and Sound Production Technology graduate