Five things I learnt on my placement

I won’t lie, placement search was probably one of the most stressful times of my degree so far. Fortunately, I didn’t give up that easy and didn’t let the fact that other students had already secured their placements de-motivate or panic me. Having said that, I didn’t end up securing a placement until the May… Read more » about Five things I learnt on my placement

How international students can find a job after graduation

For international students, language barriers and visa restraints make it more difficult to land a job in the UK, but it’s not impossible. I am applying for jobs after graduation and in this blog I just want to share some of my job search experiences. Enhancing my communication skills The ability to speak English fluently… Read more » about How international students can find a job after graduation

Choosing your university

Choosing a university is a big thing. It’s one of the biggest decisions of your life. So when it comes to deciding you need to make sure you’ve picked the right university for you. There’s so much to consider when choosing where to study. You need to think about things such as the university’s ranking,… Read more » about Choosing your university

From BU to Volkswagen: a roller-coaster four years!

When friends or family ask me about my university experience, I always smile and feel proud to say I went to Bournemouth University. They were four of the best years of my life and allowed me to experience new adventures and make some long lasting friends. The academic experience, the social life and the beach… Read more » about From BU to Volkswagen: a roller-coaster four years!

Reasons to choose BU

I’ve never been good at making decisions. I tend to hope if I put off making my mind up it will be made up for me by factors outside my control, or that divine intervention will suddenly make everything clear. Unfortunately, this is not a great approach for a decision as important as choosing your… Read more » about Reasons to choose BU

Your top questions

We’ve been busy answering your queries, so we thought it was time for another ‘Top Questions’ blog post. Here’s what you’ve been asking! What is Extra and when does it start? Extra is for applicants who have used all of their uni choices and want to apply to BU.  Please note you can only apply… Read more » about Your top questions

What you get from a Postgraduate Open Afternoon

University open days are known as opportunities for prospective students to explore the uni campuses, facilities or accommodation. On an open day the students can also gather information about potential courses they are aiming for and speak to staff or student ambassadors about what it would be like to study there. At BU, open days… Read more » about What you get from a Postgraduate Open Afternoon

My week in photos

Here’s a week in my life – in photos! Day 1, Wednesday 3 February 2016 I study Television Production and am currently applying to work placements as part of my degree. Today I travelled to London as I was invited to an interview in Hammersmith! After the interview I met my mother and went to… Read more » about My week in photos

How did I get here?

I could make a joke about the awful road works on the A338, but we know that’s not the type of journey you’re interested in when you ask a Master’s student, ‘how did you get here?’ However, the process of deciding to do a Master’s degree is like a road trip: you will inevitably hit… Read more » about How did I get here?

BU’s wonderful student support and advice network

BU has an incredibly useful and successful student support and advice network which spans every aspect of BU and every campus. This section of the uni can help you deal with anything from housing issues through to changing course and is a vital resource for any and every student at BU. Whether it is when… Read more » about BU’s wonderful student support and advice network

My experience of the Postgraduate Development Award

Joining the Postgraduate Development Award is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The PGDA allowed me to fully develop myself personally and professionally, and has given me transferable skills which will benefit me for my whole life! I achieved the Gold Award and Outstanding Contribution Award which is something I am very… Read more » about My experience of the Postgraduate Development Award