Five things I learnt on my placement

I won’t lie, placement search was probably one of the most stressful times of my degree so far. Fortunately, I didn’t give up that easy and didn’t let the fact that other students had already secured their placements de-motivate or panic me. Having said that, I didn’t end up securing a placement until the May… Read more » about Five things I learnt on my placement

My placement at a digital marketing agency

After endlessly searching for the perfect digital marketing agency, I finally came across Reflect Digital. Once I had had my interview I immediately felt like it was the place I wanted to work. Everyone was friendly, the office was great and to be perfectly honest I just felt a really good vibe, plus I got… Read more » about My placement at a digital marketing agency

Finding a placement

The placement search is long and torturous at times, but don’t be disheartened, it is one of the most valuable aspects of your course. Finding a placement is all about standing out from the crowd. For two years you have made numerous friends on your course and beyond, however in the placement and graduate job… Read more » about Finding a placement

How my placement has taken me round the world

Rejections, interviews, stress and panic! That’s what most of my friends were talking about when it came to finding a placement for their third year. I on the other hand had sent a polite email to an Eco Lodge located in the rainforests of Southern India and was instantly hired. I even lied to my… Read more » about How my placement has taken me round the world

My placement with AFC Bournemouth

For most students, the concept of applying for a job placement can be terrifying. Endless job descriptions, applications and interviews can be daunting at first, but the result is certainly worth it. Having a placement year is one of the main reasons I chose to study at BU. Too many jobs nowadays require applicants to… Read more » about My placement with AFC Bournemouth

From Bournemouth to New York: My IBM Placement Experience

Stephen tells us how his BU placement year has landed him a job after university… Sitting in the IBM auditorium in the North Harbour, Portsmouth office, I was completely unaware of what would come of the next 12 months. I’d just finished my exams the week before, and now I was being inducted as a… Read more » about From Bournemouth to New York: My IBM Placement Experience

My advertising placement in Singapore

BA (Hons) Advertising student Polly shares her inspiring placement story. She’s taken her placement half way across the world, to work as an Account Coordinator at Wunderman. Good things don’t come easy… well that’s what I kept telling myself. As 75% of my peers had secured a placement, I was determined to do something that… Read more » about My advertising placement in Singapore

My sandwich placement at Airbus

I joined the PR course at BU as an international student from Lithuania eager to make the most of the opportunities that a degree in the UK offers. During my placement year I was lucky enough to work as the Internal Communication and Community Engagement Intern at Airbus in the UK. My role included anything… Read more » about My sandwich placement at Airbus

My placement year at Disney

An abundance of applications, endless phone interviews and numerous amounts of assessment days – my placement search! My placement year has been rather different to other placement students. I started out at an agency called DigitasLBi; however after being made redundant I had to gain another placement which luckily for me ended up being Disney…. Read more » about My placement year at Disney

My sandwich placement at The Disney Store

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications student Beth Bailey tells us about her sandwich placement as the Marketing Assistant EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) for The Walt Disney Company – The Disney Store… Where are you originally from and why did you go to BU? I am originally from a small village in Kent called Bearsted. I had… Read more » about My sandwich placement at The Disney Store

How BU helped secure my placement

My name is Suyan and I’m studying MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management at Bournemouth University.  I have just completed my 40-week placement at one of the best seaside hotels in Bournemouth. I used the information on BU’s MyCareerHub to help search for job vacancies, guidance on CV writing and interview techniques.  I also made… Read more » about How BU helped secure my placement