Placements and what you can expect

Here at Bournemouth uni, nursing students are allocated their placements up to six weeks prior to starting placement, so there’s always an air of anticipation when allocation day arrives and everyone finds out what they’ve been given.  Everyone is excited and discussing their different allocations at uni today. Everyone speculates what placement will be like,… Read more » about Placements and what you can expect

MSc Retail Management & Marketing – My placement story

Bournemouth University first piqued my interest for being the only one to offer a course focused on the retail industry. Since I was looking for a university that would champion professional growth as much as academic development, BU’s relationship with the industry and local businesses was a decisive factor. And once I learned about the… Read more » about MSc Retail Management & Marketing – My placement story

Mental Health Nursing and my placement abroad

Starting a university course and moving to a new town is a daunting experience – but one that is so exciting too. I am currently a third year Mental Health Nursing student at BU. I applied when I was in sixth form for deferred entry for the following year as I knew I wanted to… Read more » about Mental Health Nursing and my placement abroad

Preparing for a placement

Summer is finally here! And whilst that means making most of the sunny weather and catching up with friends it is also the perfect time to gain vital industry experience. Most degrees at Bournemouth University have a compulsory 4/6 week or year placement as part of their course, which students must complete to graduate. This… Read more » about Preparing for a placement

#MyPlacementStory: Babcock International

Watch the video to hear Harriet and Shannon, both Business Studies students at BU, sharing their #MyPlacementStory about their time on placement together at Babcock International, or search #MyPlacementStory to hear from other BU students getting valuable work experience through a placement as a part of their degree.

#MyPlacementStory: Sussex Cricket

Matt Neocleous studies Sports Management at Bournemouth University, and is currently on placement at Sussex County Cricket Club as a part of his degree. Watch the video to hear Matt’s #MyPlacementStory, or search #MyPlacementStory to hear from other BU students getting valuable work experience through a placement as a part of their degree.

Placement opportunities?

Why consider a placement? Your placement is a fantastic opportunity to network and, if you impress during your work experience, you may even find you have a job waiting for you when you graduate. Many of our graduates have been offered permanent roles with their placement firms – a testament to the skills and work ethic… Read more » about Placement opportunities?

30 week placement vs 4 week placement

Your placement year is a crucial part of your degree. It’s difficult to choose which company you want to work for when there is a plethora of companies across and beyond the country. Before you can even think about starting a placement, you need to ensure your CV represents the skills the company is looking for…. Read more » about 30 week placement vs 4 week placement

A 2nd year’s search for her perfect placement: using BU’s Careers and Employability Service

Rewind four months and I’ve just started my second year of Uni. One of my first lectures was titled: ‘Careers and Placement Lecture’. It was literally my first day of the new academic year and after just about recovering from first year, I was now having to think about my third year. Cue instant fear. We… Read more » about A 2nd year’s search for her perfect placement: using BU’s Careers and Employability Service

#MyPlacementStory: Norwegian Cruise Line

Gianluca Goglino studies Accounting and Finance at BU and is currently on placement at Norwegian Cruise Line as a part of his degree. Watch the video to hear Gianluca’s #MyPlacementStory, or search #MyPlacementStory to hear from other BU students getting valuable work experience through a placement as a part of their degree.