My first placement as a student nurse

My first placement as a student nurse began in January 2015, after a term at university. The placement details were put online on MyBU around a month prior to starting, and I was so excited I stayed up until midnight so I could find out where my first placement was as soon as they were… Read more » about My first placement as a student nurse

Why do a placement year?

Let me be honest with you. Doing a degree is very hard work. So if the opportunity is presented to take a break from academic work while simultaneously enhancing your employability skills, would you not take it? Well I did. I opted to undertake a placement year as part of my degree. I haven’t regretted… Read more » about Why do a placement year?

Why do a placement?

Placements were a massive reason I chose to come to Bournemouth University. The reason being that for many of the courses at the university, and across the Faculty of Science and Technology, which I’m part of, it is compulsory to do either two five-week summer placements or one whole year placement. The opportunities and focus… Read more » about Why do a placement?

Make the most of your placement – tips from BU Nursing students

Final year nursing students at BU recently contributed to a doctoral study about learning on practice placements. Amanda Alexander, Joanne Hewitt, Teresa Pearce, Elinor Suter and Clare Taylor then shared their top tips with Nursing Standard magazine to help new nursing students make the most of their placement experience. Whether you’re a nursing student or… Read more » about Make the most of your placement – tips from BU Nursing students

My high-flying placement

Callum spent his placement working with Monarch Airlines as the company paralegal and has won the prize for the best placement student within his cohort. “The majority of my time was spent dealing with Regulation (EU) 261/2004 litigation, which provides compensation to passengers whose flight was either delayed or cancelled (subject to certain conditions). Within… Read more » about My high-flying placement

How I met the Minister of State for Pensions on my placement

Atif joined the Pensim2 team within the Department for Work and Pensions DWP. Pensim2 is the department’s model used to estimate the impact of reforms to state and private pensions on pensioners over the next 100 years. Atif made an outstanding contribution to his placement company and as a result, won the prize for the… Read more » about How I met the Minister of State for Pensions on my placement

My fantastic placement experience

Laura Stevens undertook her placement at Towers Watson. The outstanding contribution made by Laura during her placement, led her employer to nominate Laura for the best placement student in her cohort, which Laura won.  Her employer commented: “Laura has created a legacy which will be used by subsequent members of my team for many years… Read more » about My fantastic placement experience

Placement at BU

By Joe Wilkinson 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) Business Studies Hello, I’m Joe and I am a third year Business Studies student about to finish my placement year. I have been working in the Marketing and Communications department at Bournemouth University as part of a specific team designed to promote higher education and raise… Read more » about Placement at BU

Placement at BU

By Amber Clabburn 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) Marketing Communications I have nearly come to the end of my 40 week placement at Bournemouth University working in the School & Colleges Liaison Team. This year has flown past particularly fast…in fact it felt like only yesterday I moved into halls to start my first… Read more » about Placement at BU