Not so rent free

As the start of my first semester approached, I was definitely apprehensive about living at home. Having already been at a different uni and living in the halls there, I was aware of how different the atmosphere was living with fellow students rather than living with family. I definitely worried that I would be missing… Read more » about Not so rent free

How international students can find a job after graduation

For international students, language barriers and visa restraints make it more difficult to land a job in the UK, but it’s not impossible. I am applying for jobs after graduation and in this blog I just want to share some of my job search experiences. Enhancing my communication skills The ability to speak English fluently… Read more » about How international students can find a job after graduation

Winning the Green Impact Award

Over my three years at Bournemouth University I have always thrown myself at every opportunity the university and SUBU in particular, has offered. From this blogging position, through to being a PAL leader as well as a SUBU Volunteer Leader. However, my true passion at BU has been the environmental opportunities it has offered. I… Read more » about Winning the Green Impact Award

I stayed in Bournemouth to open a restaurant

I never thought of myself as a restaurateur but here we are three years after opening Monty’s Lounge in Pokesdown, I’m now on the brink of opening a second restaurant in the centre of our wonderful town, Bournemouth. It’s been a roller-coaster ride, as any new start up on a budget would be, but fundamentally… Read more » about I stayed in Bournemouth to open a restaurant

Relocating to study

Studying abroad is probably the most significant and exciting decision I’ve ever made in my life. I wanted to be part of a greater world, to open my eyes to a new culture, new educational environment and especially to make my childhood dream come true. When I finally settled down with Bournemouth Uni, there came… Read more » about Relocating to study

I stayed at BU for my Master’s

Once you’ve decided to study a Master’s, choosing the course can be difficult enough let alone having to go through the whole process again of deciding which university to go to. When faced with this decision I had to do a lot of research and it was almost like the undergraduate process all over again!… Read more » about I stayed at BU for my Master’s

Undergraduate to postgraduate study: A big step!

Some days, postgraduate life seems very different from undergrad. Gone are the carefree days where it was fine – even expected – to spend all day in bed, your entire loan in one week, and all your free time napping.  It cannot be emphasised enough that studying a postgraduate course is a hugely rewarding and… Read more » about Undergraduate to postgraduate study: A big step!

How to stand out from the crowd

The Postgraduate Development Award (PGDA) is meant for Master’s students at BU and is designed to help your professional and personal development apart from academic studies. Basically it is a system that gives points to certain activities that you participate in during your time at BU. The award encourages you to come out of your… Read more » about How to stand out from the crowd

How I funded my postgraduate degree

There’s no denying it: postgraduate study is a big financial commitment. It’s a lot of money to invest in one year, and many people worry about how to pay for it. Funding was certainly my main concern throughout the application process. I really wanted to do my Master’s, but at the same time I wasn’t… Read more » about How I funded my postgraduate degree

Why I chose BU for my Master’s degree

There are many reasons to choose BU for postgraduate study.  Here are the top three reasons why I, personally, chose BU for my Master’s. The place BU was an obvious choice for me as it is the closest university to my home town of Poole.  That said, I would’ve been quite happy to relocate to… Read more » about Why I chose BU for my Master’s degree

Don’t let funding concerns hold you back

After deciding to apply for the MSc Forensic Anthropology course at Bournemouth University, and having my conditional offer confirmed, the next part of the process was funding – how was I going to pay for it? For everyone, whether you’re considering a Master’s or actually doing one right now, a huge part of the decision… Read more » about Don’t let funding concerns hold you back

Living away from home

For international students like me, moving away from home to another country where weather, culture and language are totally different could be tough. Here I will tell you my story of how I found accommodation and how I settled in for the first few days in Bournemouth. I don’t live in BU halls, not because… Read more » about Living away from home