Being kind and supporting others

During this time of worry, isolation and uncertainty, it’s important more than ever to be kind and supportive of one another. As socialising becomes increasingly difficult (well non existent other than virtually), days feel like they are lasting forever! Here are a few tips on how you can show your love and support, help lift… Read more » about Being kind and supporting others

First Term at BU and it’s contrast to Indian Education System

Having recently completed my first term as a Postgraduate Student at Bournemouth University, the difference between a Master’s course here and that in India is quite vast. While doing my undergraduate, I understood the fact that the Indian Educational System mostly favours the technically oriented students. This model is good in the fields of study… Read more » about First Term at BU and it’s contrast to Indian Education System

Why BA (Hons) Television Production at BU was the right choice for me

Choosing my university course was a process that took a few months to decide but the biggest areas that impacted me was the work I had enjoyed the most in the past and whether or not this course would help me advance in the right areas. BA (Hons) Television Production at BU was, without question,… Read more » about Why BA (Hons) Television Production at BU was the right choice for me