Winter in the UK and all the things it brings

I first came to the UK in September, as the autumn season was beginning. I was lucky to experience the gentle transition from the warm, sunny summer to the cool winds, slowly having a chilly bite. Perhaps because of the nostalgia I have with being new in the country and starting a new university, I… Read more » about Winter in the UK and all the things it brings

Graduate Lucy lands a role with ITV

This is a guest blog post by graduate Lucy Brady, graduate from BA (Hons) Television Production. Last February, I was fortunate enough to be offered a job at ITV Daytime as a Studio Technician, working part-time alongside completing my TV Production degree at Bournemouth University. My contract was due to change to full-time in June, however, 2020 had… Read more » about Graduate Lucy lands a role with ITV

The BU and UK Experience, and the Things I Learnt

Back in 2019 when I finally decided to come to Bournemouth University, I knew that the coming year was going to be different from everything I had ever known. From all the stories people tell about their time studying abroad, I had gathered that the year was going to be a new learning experience at… Read more » about The BU and UK Experience, and the Things I Learnt

Portfolio Tips – MA 3D Computer Animation, Digital Effects Application

With an increase in the demand for Computer Animation roles, both MA 3D Computer Animation as well as MA Digital Effects have seen a boost in the number of applicants throughout the years. Both courses are designed for students who wish to excel in a variety of 3D fields. There are a few things to… Read more » about Portfolio Tips – MA 3D Computer Animation, Digital Effects Application

How I’m finding my course during Covid-19

Hiya, Being on a practical course in the middle of a pandemic comes with it’s challenges, so I thought I’d discuss how we’ve got over them and our new ways of working in TV 🙂 Thanks for watching! Emily 🙂

Keeping active throughout lockdown 2.0

This lockdown feels different to our first one back in March. Not only has the weather taken a colder, wetter and darker turn but for most of us, our motivation to get outside for our daily exercise has dwindled. However, keeping fit doesn’t have to feel like a chore and there are plenty of activities… Read more » about Keeping active throughout lockdown 2.0

Woman standing in front of a sparkly purple curtain

Stay-at-home Diwali

Diwali is my favourite time of the year. Back home in India, it’s a time for family, friends, new celebratory clothes and delicious food. When I came to the UK, I thought that among the things I would miss the most would be the festivities and the sense of family. To some extent, that was… Read more » about Stay-at-home Diwali

From Rome to Bournemouth – how BU helped build my career with Siemens

This is a guest blog by Jonathan Faraoni, our BSc (Hons) Computing graduate, and currently studying MSc Internet of Things at Bournemouth University. My story begins in 2015 when at the age of 19 years old I decided to move abroad for my studies and pursue a bachelor’s degree in science and technology. After many… Read more » about From Rome to Bournemouth – how BU helped build my career with Siemens

BU bunting at Talbot Campus on a sunny day

My experience at a virtual Postgraduate Open Day

I’ve never been to a virtual open day before, and my first one was with Bournemouth University! It was such a great opportunity to speak to lecturers, the immigration team, and even students who are currently doing the course I was considering. If you’d like to hear more about why you should sign up to… Read more » about My experience at a virtual Postgraduate Open Day

Laptop open on a table with food a on plate beside it

How to adapt to working and learning from home

The pandemic has caused a ripple of change across the entire world and in order to stay safe, many of us have been asked to work and study from home. Over the past few months, I have continued to work two part-time jobs alongside my master’s degree and even though it’s been tough I’m slowly… Read more » about How to adapt to working and learning from home