Pulling off the transition into university life

The step up from school to university is probably one of the biggest (and most exciting!) ones you will take in your educational career. One minute you’re in the midst of being chased for coursework, making appointments for parents evening and asking to go to the toilet in class, and the next… you’re having to… Read more » about Pulling off the transition into university life

The Old Fire Station

Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

Between all the parties and festivals which are often targeted at undergrads, it can be tough as a postgraduate to find nightlife dedicated to us. However, you don’t always have to go to fresher events to have fun. There are lots of great venues around town where you make your night your own. And while… Read more » about Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

How To Plan A Staycation

Summer is around the corner! For us in Bournemouth that means lots of things. Lounging on the beach. Enjoying the long bright days. Having barbeques. Going for a swim in the sea. And, of course, go on that holiday you have been daydreaming about all year long. The downside to this summer season, however, is… Read more » about How To Plan A Staycation

Budgeting as an Indian in BU (Dubai edition)

Budgeting is an essential life skill, especially for a student. Moving across countries requires meticulous planning in all aspects, one of which is finance. It can be overwhelming to set a budget when you don’t know how expenses compare between countries. I did some research to understand what my monthly budget would look like. But… Read more » about Budgeting as an Indian in BU (Dubai edition)

5 reasons to pick Bournemouth as your study destination

It can be overwhelming to pick the right place for your higher studies. After careful research, I chose Bournemouth as my study destination. Here are my top 5 reasons: Safety: As a petite hijabi woman, safety is my top priority when choosing a place to live. Surely, everyone can resonate with the fact that no… Read more » about 5 reasons to pick Bournemouth as your study destination

A Day in my Life as an Indian PG Student (Pre Lockdown Life!)

***This post was written before lockdown measures in the UK***   Hi guys! I’m Malvika Shahi and I’m doing my Masters in Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University. Transitioning into a different culture can seem hard but Bournemouth is so diverse and inclusive that you fall in love with the place and forget all… Read more » about A Day in my Life as an Indian PG Student (Pre Lockdown Life!)

Travel The World Virtually

Stuck in lockdown with wanderlust? You are not the only one! It’s been three weeks since the UK entered a period of lockdown, which has had a huge impact on all of our lives, especially to all those who had plans over the holidays. However, thanks to the internet, there is a possibility to travel… Read more » about Travel The World Virtually