Reflection on what I have learned from my time at Bournemouth Uni!

Hey! It has now been a few weeks from completing my dissertation, and I thought it would be a great moment to reflect on my time at Bournemouth University over the past three years. My time at university was a life-changing experience that I will always treasure. The ride was certainly not easy, but it… Read more » about Reflection on what I have learned from my time at Bournemouth Uni!

Reflecting on my placement year at the Walt Disney Company

This is a guest blogger post by current student Ben Levene, studying BA (Hons) Marketing Communications. Now that I have finished my placement year, it seems like a great time to reflect on working for the Walt Disney Company. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ben and I will be going… Read more » about Reflecting on my placement year at the Walt Disney Company

From Bournemouth to Bali: Zach’s prize-winning placement

Last year, BSc (Hons) Environmental Science student Zach Boakes wrote a blog piece about his placement year co-founding volunteering organisation North Bali Reef Conservation. Now he has been awarded the BU Placement Prize for his achievements, he is back with an update on how it is all going.  My sandwich placement was spent at North… Read more » about From Bournemouth to Bali: Zach’s prize-winning placement

A wide shot image of the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University

Why would you study for a Master’s degree ?

In the crowded job markets nowadays, employers tend to look for candidates that stand out and can be distinguished easily. The extra higher – level qualification would give you a competitive edge between other applicants to improve your financial prospects as well as investing in your own future showing your ability to commit to an… Read more » about Why would you study for a Master’s degree ?

Scoring a placement during your Master’s degree

I am studying MSc Nutrition and Behaviour and it is mandatory to do a 12-day placement as a part of the degree program. The great aspect of our course is the flexibility provided to us to choose where and what we wanted to do with our placement. I scored a place in the Nutrition department… Read more » about Scoring a placement during your Master’s degree

A wide shot image of the Fusion Building on Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University

How To Job Hunt During Lockdown

For lots of us, especially for the ones that like me are in their final year, the UK lockdown has had a huge impact on job hunting. Whether it is a grad role, part-time job or an internship that you are looking for, look no more, here are some great alternatives to job hunt during… Read more » about How To Job Hunt During Lockdown

I want to volunteer for charity but I don’t know how to start!

Volunteering, such as charity work, can be an amazing way to pad out your CV, help those in need and a useful thing to fill your free time with! This post is to just make sure you feel confident taking that first step into the world of charity work and volunteering. A small amount of… Read more » about I want to volunteer for charity but I don’t know how to start!

Why postgraduate study was such a great option for me

​The end of my five years of law school was bizarre at the very least. For the first time in a while the next natural step wasn’t the next academic year and I was unsure of where I wanted to take my life. I was (and still adamantly am) the starry-eyed millennial. I want to… Read more » about Why postgraduate study was such a great option for me

Complement your PG degree with GTP

Postgraduate degrees are designed to be subject focused. With a timeline of just a year to complete the degree, it is also possible to get opportunities to study subjects that touch on other aspects of student development. That’s where the Global Talent Program comes in. It is aimed at development of soft skills that can… Read more » about Complement your PG degree with GTP

My frontline experience as a paramedic amid the coronavirus pandemic

My name is Sam and I am a paramedic. Six months ago I graduated from Bournemouth University’s BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science course. I would never have expected within such a short space of time from graduating that I would be working on the frontline during a global pandemic. The clinical decision making and critical thinking… Read more » about My frontline experience as a paramedic amid the coronavirus pandemic