How I ended up studying MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

Having trained as a translator and interpreter, I wanted to give life to my dream of having my own company. I followed the traditional way of working for a person or organisation. However, I was determined to start something of my own. Since I didn’t have any background in business, I decided to study management…. Read more » about How I ended up studying MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

My study exchange in Macau

BA (Hons) Events & Leisure Marketing student Jana Saastamoinen went on a study exchange semester in Macau and was shortlisted in the Institute for Tourism Studies’ 2018/19 Honours List due to her academic performance while doing a semester in Macau. The Institute for Tourism Studies Macau is the main mobility partner for BU Events Management… Read more » about My study exchange in Macau

Animation shot from short film

BFX Festival – boost your animation career with BU

The BFX Festival 2021 format is yet to be confirmed due to the current global pandemic. The website will be updated accordingly when the details have been confirmed.  If you are interested in studying animation or visual effects with the National Centre for Computer Animation at BU please visit our website for our undergraduate and postgraduate course… Read more » about BFX Festival – boost your animation career with BU

A student’s guide to placements

Placement – now that’s a scary word. I remember when I applied for my course at Bournemouth, the thought of a placement seemed years away. But time flies fast at Bournemouth and all of a sudden – your placement is here! But although the idea of a placement year can seem daunting, my placement year… Read more » about A student’s guide to placements

Ashleigh’s placement year at Baldwins Travel

This is a blog post from current student Ashleigh Ridler studying BA (Hons) Media Production. I study Media Production and my placement is in the marketing department of Baldwins Travel, an award winning independent travel agency with branches across Kent and Sussex, my office is in Tunbridge Wells, above the flagship store. I’m currently writing… Read more » about Ashleigh’s placement year at Baldwins Travel

Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier

Graduating is always the icing on the cake when it comes to education. It is that moment when you finally close the chapter to one part of your educational story. Graduating with a postgraduate degree in Events Management was my second biggest accomplishment; my first being graduating from my undergraduate degree. However, with graduation comes… Read more » about Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier

Practice makes perfect: The payoff of challenging projects

I’m Lara Barusso from Italy and I’m studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth University. I want to tell you about my favourite project during my first year of my course. The project The project I loved the most was one of the first ones I did during my very first semester…. Read more » about Practice makes perfect: The payoff of challenging projects

Why you should join the Global Talent Programme

Hi there, I’m Alejandra, an MSc Nutrition and Behaviour student from Colombia. When I first came to BU, I wanted to get involved in extra-curricular activities to make the most of my experience. Choosing the Global Talent Programme (GTP) was a great idea, not only to learn many different concepts, but also to meet amazing… Read more » about Why you should join the Global Talent Programme

Leading a team and changing lives

As a first-year Business Studies student and now a second-year International Business student, I have encountered numerous hurdles, some personal and some teamwork conflicts. My course had us experience a simulation of running a business meeting and marketing for a non-profit company and, to my surprise, both times I was the leader of the project…. Read more » about Leading a team and changing lives

Materialising my ambitions at Bournemouth University

Hi everyone, my name is Ram Anand, and today I want to talk a little about my favourite project during my time at Bournemouth University. As I am an MA Directing Film and Television student, my course is designed and evaluated based on the films that we direct in collaboration with other students who are… Read more » about Materialising my ambitions at Bournemouth University

The uni project that moved me

Hey everyone, my name is Alejandra and I’m an MSc Nutrition and Behaviour student from Colombia. Throughout the academic year, I have had lots of different projects from my course, from my placement, through the Global Talent Programme or other extra-curricular activities. There is one, in particular, that I will forever remember because it had… Read more » about The uni project that moved me

A platform to boost your career

Hi everyone! I am Sujata from India and I am currently studying MA Media and Communication. In this blog I am going to talk about a really good initiative by Bournemouth University that prepares students for real world challenges: The Global Talent Programme. I joined this programme in the very first week of university and… Read more » about A platform to boost your career