Essential travelling tips

Hello, my name is Giorgos Kapsanakis. I come from Greece and I am studying MA Directing Film and Television at Bournemouth University. In this blog I will share my experiences with you regarding transportation in and around Bournemouth! Next stop…Bournemouth The first thing I noticed when I arrived in England was the high-quality national buses…. Read more » about Essential travelling tips

Get moving!

I am Bruna Tolomeli from Brazil studying a master’s in Post Production Editing here at BU since September 2017. Bournemouth is a small, yet lovely and extremely organized town. Travelling between university and the town centre is always easy. Since we are in the UK, you can expect to have most busses running on time…. Read more » about Get moving!

Lansdowne Point – a perfect choice

I am Tsz Kam Yeung from Hong Kong, a MSc Events Marketing student. After choosing BU as your postgraduate university, the next important step is finding accommodation. There are many factors to consider when living away from home – location, distance between your accommodation and the campus, nearby supermarkets, proximity to Bournemouth town centre, and… Read more » about Lansdowne Point – a perfect choice