With Eurovision being one of the most exciting yet wacky televised contest, it’s no wonder we hold parties to celebrate it! Before I started university, I didn’t celebrate Eurovision, mostly as I saw it as just a more extravagant X-Factor. However, this all changed when I had my first Eurovision party and now Eurovision is… Read more » about How to have the perfect Eurovision party this year!

Charlie Sawers
An interview with Resh Somauroo about BA(Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and TV
Resh Somauroo is the Scriptwriting for Film and TV 3rd year Programme leader. He has worked at Bournemouth University for over 7 years and continues to drive people to pursue their passion of scriptwriting. We got together to discuss his life at BU and the course itself. What is your academic/professional background? I started out… Read more » about An interview with Resh Somauroo about BA(Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and TV
My internship story
Being a Scriptwriting for Film and Television student, finding a placement in the media industry was honestly extremely difficult (mainly because it is such a competitive industry). However, while finding a placement within this sector is hard it is not completely impossible. As long as you are dedicated, build up your CV, search everywhere you… Read more » about My internship story
Places to visit in Dorset
Though I know most of you mainly chose BU because of Bournemouth beach (or at least that’s one of the reasons I chose BU), there is so much more to be discovered in in Dorset! With its scenic views and lovely atmosphere, Dorset is one of the prettiest places to explore. Starting with the one… Read more » about Places to visit in Dorset
Living in Unilet
I remember when I first saw the words “Unilet” as my place for accommodation and let out a deep, hysterical cry to which I could have been mistaken for a cat wailing for 6 hours straight. I know that’s not a great way to start this blog but honestly looking back I just laugh and… Read more » about Living in Unilet
Life’s a beach in Bournemouth
Oh we do like to be beside the seaside, don’t we? The salty air, the soft sand, the salty yet soggy chips and we can’t forget the seagulls wailing while they hunt for leftovers. Yes, we all love a place by the sea. But what makes Bournemouth so special is how lovely a beach it… Read more » about Life’s a beach in Bournemouth
Why I chose BU
Back in the day, when the words “college” and “A-levels” made me want to crawl into a hole and never be seen again, my goal was to find a better place and somewhere I could feel happy. But looking for the perfect university was difficult. For me it had to tick five boxes: Enjoyable course… Read more » about Why I chose BU