Planning for part-time work in Bournemouth

Diana is from Italy and is currently studying at BU. Based on her experience, she advises future students to first get used to uni routine and get organised, before starting a part-time job. She also explains the basic requirements to work in the UK and the types of part-time jobs available to students. By Diana… Read more » about Planning for part-time work in Bournemouth

Why should you volunteer?

My name is Sandra Achim and I’m studying MSc Events Management. Before, I came here I thought that university was just about studying, but I’ve changed my opinion. Here at Bournemouth University and in Bournemouth, there are lots of opportunities for students to be involved in different activities and be part of a community with… Read more » about Why should you volunteer?

5 reasons to start volunteering

Hi there! I am Nikki Mennen from the Netherlands and studying MA in Creative Writing and Publishing. When I was sixteen years old, I decided to take at least one volunteering opportunity every year. Why? Let me give you five reasons! You help others Well, first of all you are helping others. Volunteering often evolves… Read more » about 5 reasons to start volunteering

Developing your study skills in the UK

I am Bruna Tolomeli from Brazil studying MA Post Production Editing. In my opinion, study skills in Brazil are not that different from the ones in the UK, but I have noticed a few differences between them. Exams vs essays Firstly, one of the differences is the way each country assesses their students. In Brazil, I… Read more » about Developing your study skills in the UK

My part-time job as a BU Student Ambassador

Hello, I am Tsz Kam Yeung from Hong Kong and I am currently studying MSc Events Marketing. BU Student Ambassador is my first part-time job in the UK and it is really good fun. Flexible working hours Working hours for student ambassadors are more flexible than other part-time jobs. It fits in with our studies… Read more » about My part-time job as a BU Student Ambassador

Successfully working part-time as student in Bournemouth

I am Martina Gardeva from Bulgaria studying MSc Tourism Management and Marketing. I am currently working as Student Ambassador for BU and I know what it is like to be searching for a part-time job as an international student. Here are some hints on how to successfully work part-time as student in Bournemouth: Work is… Read more » about Successfully working part-time as student in Bournemouth

Part-time work opportunities in Bournemouth

Hello! My name is Giorgos Kapsanakis. I am from Greece and I am doing my Master’s in Directing Film and Television at Bournemouth University. I know that coming from far away to study can be very difficult. So many questions arise… Are we going to miss home?  What is it like to live far away… Read more » about Part-time work opportunities in Bournemouth