Andrew Carter Produced by
from United Kingdom

2nd year

BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing and Security

Choosing between all of the accommodation options at Bournemouth University can be challenging, but luckily living in any of the BU Halls of Residence (full list available here) will give you access to ResLifeBU, including their social events, clubs, and more!

My name is Andrew, and in my first year studying at BU, I lived in Purbeck House. During my time at Purbeck, I attended a lot of the ResLifeBU events, and I’m an active member of the Gaming Club!

Here I will be listing some of my favourite perks of ResLife, in no particular order.

Great opportunity to find new friends and like-minded people!

“Hot Dog Film Fest” event at Purbeck House

ResLife runs a ton of events in the first couple of weeks after all the students move into halls of residence, as well as weekly ongoing events in the halls, several clubs as well as additional events mostly in the Bournemouth area, and some even beyond!

All of these events are a brilliant way to make new friends, find people with similar interests, and generally help you settle in.

“Acrylic Paint Pour” event

Most events are free to attend!

As the ResLife programme is partly funded by a small contribution from students’ rent, most of the events are free to attend, and even the ones that cost money are still really cheap (only a few pounds, usually to cover transport for events not held in halls of residence).

Considering there is often free food, snacks, drinks, and more, as well as all the social benefits – why wouldn’t you want to attend these events!

The club memberships also work out to be very cheap per session, or can choose to buy single tickets to the club events if you just want a taster session before committing to buying a membership!

Wide and diverse range of events!

A vast range of events are offered by ResLife, and you can chose which ones you wish to attend! That being said, my advice is to attend most of the events you can, even if it doesn’t seem like something you would enjoy, because the social atmosphere of the events is worth it!

My canvas from the “Acrylic Paint Pour”

For example, I am not a very creative person, but I have attended events like the “Acrylic Paint Pour”, and found it really enjoyable regardless, and although my canvas is very random, I am so pleased with the outcome!

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