If you’re in your last year of college and Bournemouth University is one of your top favs, then I suggest attending one of the University’s undergraduate Open Days. Plenty of time to check out all the wonderful things that BU has to offer.
So, the question is, why are these Open Days so important to prospective students?
Moving away to university is a big step and can be very daunting, but attending an Open Day can put your mind at ease and allow you to familiarise yourself with where you may be living and studying for the next three or four years. The way I would describe an Open Day is like viewing a house. You wouldn’t move into a new house without seeing it first, learning the history of the house and forming an opinion on its appearance, so why would you choose a university without seeing with your own eyes what it really has to offer?

The Open Days provide workshops and tours, for prospective students to see the university itself and become actively part of what their preferred course has to offer before the term begins. Scheduled presentations given by a lecturer and current student, allow those attending to have a chance to ask questions with ease and speak to someone face to face who is already studying at the university. These presentations sometimes offer workshops, allowing future students to interact and acquire a feel for the course they have applied for, or are hoping to apply for. From this you can decide whether or not that particular course is really suited for you.

Not only do Open Days allow future students to see the university, accommodation tours are also available for those who want to check out Halls of Residence or the Student Village. Buses run regularly from the Talbot Campus to take people to and from the Halls on the Lansdowne Campus. Prospective students are able to view one of the flats and take a look around the surrounding area. Those taking part in a campus tour will see the Student Village, which is another accommodation option.
Bournemouth University Open Days are a really fun and engaging way for you to see the university. The information offered at an Open Day is extremely accessible and saves a lot of time searching the website for an answer you may not even find. Come along and see for yourself!

For more information on Open Days and to book a space now, check out the Bournemouth University website.
See you all there!
By Jessica Alexander
If you’re joining us at an Open Day, tell us about your day on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #BUopenday