1. The IFITT Doctoral Summer School costs only 30 Euros for IFITT members and BU Students
2. The submission deadline for the abstracts has been extended to May 13!
–> Submission is highly recommended as you will extremely benefit from useful suggestions by experienced researchers for your research project!
Please submit at: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=ifittsw20
3. If you do not have the chance to submit an abstract you can also just attend the event!
Remember! The IFITT Doctoral Summer School is a great opportunity to discuss your research topic. Attendance will provide you with great advantages, especially if you are in the process of writing a Masters or PhD Thesis. Moreover, the event will give you a good chance to network with other researchers and speakers from across the globe.
For information about the Summer School please look at http://www.ifitt.org/home/view/summer_school#TimeSchedule
IFITT and the eTourism Lab are looking forward to meeting you soon!