Invitation to participate in the ENTER 2014 PhD Workshop

Dear PhD Students!

ENTER 2014 invites you to participate in a PhD workshop to share and discuss your current research on topics related to IT in travel and tourism.

The PhD workshop, which will take place on January 21, 2014, is aimed at doctoral students who are currently undertaking research related to information and communication technology in travel and tourism. The workshop will form a forum to interactively discuss your research with peers, colleagues, leading supervisors and scholars in the field.

The workshop will provide you with an opportunity to share and develop your research ideas in a critical but supportive environment, get feedback from mentors who are senior members within the IT and tourism research community, explore issues related to academic and research careers, and build relationships with other students, researchers and members of the community from around the world.

In order to participate in the workshop you have to submit a research proposal by October 5, 2013. The research proposal should be a maximum length of five pages (A4) and need to cover the following headings: problem definition, literature review, conceptual development, proposed methodology, anticipated results and references. In addition, you have to indicate the progress toward completion of the thesis (i.e. thinking about it, just beginning the process, completed proposal, etc.). More detailed guidelines for the submission can be found at:

Each submission will undergo a review process. After receiving an initial feedback from the workshop judges by October 26, 2013 you will be able to submit your revised proposal by November 16, 2013 and can expect information about  an acceptance by November 30, 2013. Accepted proposals will be made available as an e-book to workshop participants before the Workshop and published on the IFITT website. In addition, authors of the accepted papers are required to prepare a poster presentation, which will be displayed throughout the entire ENTER conference. The best research proposal will receive an award and will be recognized at the main conference event!

For more information contact: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis (IFITT President) at or

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