
P. Reeves and D. Mendis – The Current Status and Impact of 3D Printing Within the Industrial Sector: An Analysis of Six Case Studies

P. Reeves and D. Mendis, The Current Status and Impact of 3D Printing Within the Industrial Sector: An Analysis of Six Case Studies (London: Intellectual Property Office; 2015) Download Report here (86 pages). This is the second of a two-party study (and an executive summary) commissioned and funded by out for the UK Intellectual Property… Read more » about P. Reeves and D. Mendis – The Current Status and Impact of 3D Printing Within the Industrial Sector: An Analysis of Six Case Studies

Autumn Seminar Series 2015

Research seminars at CIPPM are open to all staff and students. For information please contact Maurizio Borghi or Dinusha Mendis. Friday 16 October, 16:00: The CJEU decision on ‘Safe Harbour’ (C-362/14) and the future of Big Data (Emile Douilhet) Tuesday 3 November, 16:00: Hyperlinking and copyright infringement after ‘Svensson’ (case C-466/12): what’s new under the sun?… Read more » about Autumn Seminar Series 2015

Alternative Compensation Systems for Digital Copyright

Ruth Towse was invited to present a paper to a high-level symposium on alternative modes of regulating large-scale non-commercial online uses of copyrighted works, organized by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam, on 11 July 2015. Professor Towse’s speech in the Economic panel “alternatives to the current modes of financing… Read more » about Alternative Compensation Systems for Digital Copyright

Workshop: Music Publishing, copyright and business models

One-day Workshop Thursday 4 June 2015 Music publishing is an old established industry that has adapted to successive technological and institutional changes, especially to copyright law, by adopting different strategies and business models. The workshop explores how music publishing has evolved in the long run, and what historical and economic factors can explain its adaptations… Read more » about Workshop: Music Publishing, copyright and business models