Emergent Technologies

K. Erickson, M. Kretschmer and D. Mendis – Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody

K. Erickson, M. Kretschmer and D. Mendis – Copyright and the Economic Effects of Parody (London: Intellectual Property Office; 2013), 1-34 This UKIPO Commissioned Report provides a summary of the empirical and legal findings and analyses their relevance for copyright policy. Download the Report here.

Dinusha Mendis interviewed by the BBC

Dr. Dinusha Mendis has published a paper on 3D Printing and its implications for Intellectual Property Law titled “The Clone Wars: Episode 1 – The Rise of 3D Printing and its implications for 3D Printing: Learning Lessons from the Past? The paper was published is the European Intellectual Property Review in February 2013. In drawing… Read more » about Dinusha Mendis interviewed by the BBC