The EnDOW project aimed at studying and facilitating Diligent Search to clear the rights of Orphan Works was concluded on the 31st of May 2018. Its final conference, held at the EUIPO in Alicante on the 15th of May 2018, brought together the results of the three-years research, as well as a discussion on the best way to resolve the diligent search problem with representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament and Europeana. See blogposts here and here.
The EnDOW Diligent Search Platform (available here) is an online tool that guides the user towards a step-by-step diligent search and produces a Diligent Search Report that provides evidence on record of the search carried out. If the right holder is not located, the work can be registered on the Orphan Works Database of the EUIPO and the work can be published online by the Cultural Institution. The EnDOW team would like to thank the cultural institutions that have collaborated as project advisors (British Film Institute, National Records of Scotland, CCLFR University of Reading, Bibliothèque Nationale de Luxembourg, Connected Digital Economy Catapult, Associazione Italiana Editori) and looks forward to the next steps.