Thursday 12 November 2015 – Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University
Registration – 10.00 – 10.30 am; Event – 10.30 – 18.00
(Registration is now closed as tickets have been sold out. If you wish to be added to the waiting list, please contact the Event Organiser, Dr. Dinusha Mendis at
About the Event:
One year ago, in October 2014, the UK Government introduced major changes to the Copyright Law with the aim of promoting innovation and creativity, and to stimulate economic growth. These included, in particular, a range of exceptions and limitations to copyright infringement, such as private copying, parody, text and data mining and other exemptions benefiting educational and cultural institutions.
UK Academics were directly involved in the consultation process leading to the changes in the law and provided extensive evidence and policy recommendations in commissioned projects for the UK Intellectual Property Office. The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM), Bournemouth University, CREATe RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy, University of Glasgow and the Centre for Commercial Law and Financial Regulation (CCLFR), University of Reading contributed to the policy debate in academic articles, commissioned projects, working papers and research monographs.
Building on this substantial body of research, this one-day event, which will form part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2015 will bring together key stakeholders from the creative and cultural sectors, policy makers, practitioners and academics to review and debate the impact of the recent amendments to copyright law.
In particular, the event will explore (1) how the exceptions were received by users; (2) their impact in the cultural and creative sectors; (3) the challenges posed to authors and other rights holders; (4) whether the reforms draw the UK closer to EU or, on the contrary, move the UK away from copyright law of other member states.
This event is kindly co-sponsored by the Economic and Social Research Council, CREATe University of Glasgow and CCLFR University of Reading and will be hosted by CIPPM Bournemouth University.
Panel Sessions and Speakers:
10.00 – 10.30: Registration and Coffee
10.30 – 10.45: Welcome and Presenting
- Mrs. Sally Weston (Head of Law, Bournemouth University)
- Dr. Dinusha Mendis (Co-Director CIPPM, Bournemouth University)
10.45 – 11.45: The Broad and the Narrow Scope of Reform – Fair Dealing and the Contract Override Principle
Chair: Mr. Simon Stokes (Blake Morgan LLP)
- Professor Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge) and Professor Tanya Aplin (Kings College London) – Fair Use for the UK: The New Quotation Exception
- Mr. Adrian Storrier (CCLFR, University of Reading) –Contracting out of UK Exceptions: The Post-Hargreaves Position
- Professor Maurizio Borghi (CIPPM, Bournemouth University) – Contract and the Scope of User’s Rights after Ryanair v. PR Aviation
11.45 – 13.00: Parody – Have We Seen the Funny Side?
Chair: Dr. Kris Erickson (CREATe, University of Glasgow)
- Mr. Jonathan Griffiths (Queen Mary University of London) –The UK’s New Parody Defence – Some Questions of Interpretation
- Mr. Hugh Hancock (Strange Company) – Copyright Reform, Fan-Films And Machinima: The Journey’s Started, Not Finished
- Cassetteboy (Coalition Talent) – Panel Interview with Dr. Dinusha Mendis (CIPPM, Bournemouth University)
13.00 – 14.00 – Lunch
14.00 – 15.00: The Continuing Issue with Levies and Private Copying
Chair: Professor Ruth Towse (CIPPM, Bournemouth University)
- Professor Martin Kretschmer (CREATe, University of Glasgow) – Nine Months of Harm?
- Mr. Florian Koempel (Copyright Consultant) – Private Copying and the Recent Judicial Review – A Practitioner’s Insight
- Dr. Stavroula Karapapa (CCLFR, University of Reading) – Private Copying, Harm and Fair Compensation: Towards Remuneration Rights?
15.00 – 16.00: Extended Collective Licensing – A New Scheme and New Challenges
Chair: Dr. Dinusha Mendis (CIPPM, Bournemouth University)
- Dr. Maria Frabboni (University of Sussex) – Taking the Measure of ECL Schemes: A Market Perspective on the Current Implementation Process
- Mr. Richard Combes (Authors Licensing and Collecting Society) – Authors, ECL and the Challenge of Mass Digitisation
- Ms. Isabelle Doran (British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies) – ECL Regulations and Images: A Perspective from BAPLA
16.00 – 16.30: Coffee
16.30 – 17.30: Looking Ahead to the Future
Chair: Professor Maurizio Borghi (CIPPM, Bournemouth University)
- Mr. Nicolas Jondet (University of Edinburgh) – Context, Avenues and Roadblocks to the EU Reform Agenda for Copyright Exceptions
- Ms. Ásta Guðrún Helgadóttir (MP, Pirate Party Iceland) – Fixing Copyright from Within: A Pirate’s Tale
- Mr. Robin Stout (UK Intellectual Property Office) – Beyond Hargreaves – the Future of Copyright in the UK and Europe
17.30: Closing Remarks
- Professor Maurizio Borghi (Director CIPPM, Bournemouth University)
For general queries about the event, please contact the Event Organiser Dinusha Mendis at or Maurizio Borghi at