Fusion invests in future of Events Industry


The UK Events industry is a critical economic contributor projected to grow from £36 billion and 550,000 jobs to £43 billion and 630,000 jobs by 2020. Growth requires new event products, entrepreneurs and talent, currently provided by cultural festivals, in addition to their role in improving community cohesion and image. However, the current economic environment requires justification of these entrepreneurial, social and economic impacts in a transparent manner.

The Festival Impact Monitor project seeks develop an event evaluation approach to overcome the limitations of existing qualitative (external validity) and quantitative (internal validity) methods.  By aggregating and analysing public data available from online social media platforms, we intend to generate insights on the impact of events unavailable via conventional approaches.   The findings of this research is intended to guide stakeholders involved in planning and staging festivals, helping to improve funding allocations. A major component of our project is the development of Reusable Learning Objects to help guide researchers who are seeking to use social media data in future projects.

In the first stage of the project, the team will consult industry stakeholders to understand evaluation needs and identify Festivals for analysis.  Next, the team will archive and analyse social media narratives about these Festivals to understand their Entrepreneurial and Social Impacts. Finally, the team will review the findings with industry and academic stakeholders to present a validated approach for evaluating Festivals using data from online Social Networks. In addition to the industry and academic impact, our project will contribute to enhancing the learning environment at BU as we will develop RLOs to guide future researchers.

Our team wishes to thank the Research Office for all of the support provided and we highly recommend that anyone intending to apply for Fusion funding attend the dissemination and engagement sessions.  It would also be useful to get someone from outside your area to read your bid to see if they understand the impact and benefits of your research.  We’ll post monthly updates on the research blog and feel free to contact us:

Nicole Ferdinand nferdinand@bournemouth.ac.uk

Alexandra Ott aott@bournemouth.ac.uk

Debbie Sadd dsadd@bournemouth.ac.uk

Nigel Williams nwilliams@bournemouth.ac.uk.

FROM: http://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/2013/09/23/fusion-invests-in-future-of-events-industry/#sthash.sUKJwl7b.dpuf

WTM Technology Enabling Travel organized by IFITT

Dear Tourism and E-Marketing Enthusiasts!

On November 4, 2013 the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel and Tourism (IFITT) invites you to join the event ‘WTM Technology Enabling Travel’ at the World Travel Market 2013.


Event Details:

The event will take place in form of a workshop themed ‘Gaming and Gamification in tourism: opening a new experience’, which will address both issues, phenomenons gamification and location-based games and will introduce best practices in the tourism industry. The motivation for this topic evolved from the WTM Global Trends Report 2012 where gamification was described as one of the major trends in tourism. The report also highlighted the finding that many travel companies and destinations (Tourism Ireland, Australia Tourism Board, Lufthansa) as well as hospitality organisations (Marriott, Starwood Hotels & Resorts) have already applied the concept of gaming in their business to create new experiences, which are fun and engaging for customers and employees likewise. The workshop is aimed at people who want to:

  • Understand the concept of gaming and its impact on the tourism experience
  • Learn how gaming can be applied in the tourism context
  • Find out from leading experts in the field about current best practices and future opportunities of gaming for the tourism industry.

The event will be moderated by IFITT President and Chair in Tourism at Bournemouth University Professor Dimitrios Buhalis. Together with Jessika Weber from the eTourism Lab at Bournemouth University he will open up the workshop topic with a presentation about ‘Augmented Reality Gaming: A new Paradigm for Tourist Experience’. After that the event will continue with a number of interesting presentation by speakers from famous universities and tourism companies, such as Antonio Coelho from Porto University who will talk about ‘Location-based games for tourism’ or Benjamin Kolb and Julia Bachwinkel from Tripventure who will give insights into ‘Augmented Reality Games for Tourism Urban Destinations’.

Registration Process:

The event is completely for free but you have to register in the following way: First, you need register for the WTM opening day, even if you have already signed up for a standard WTM admission. Registration for the opening is absolutely necessary, as otherwise access to the WTM on November 4, 2013 will be denied. Secondly, you need to register for the event at http://ifitt.eventbrite.co.uk/.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis says: “Augmented Reality in combination with gaming will open up a wide range of opportunities for tourists and visitors. This workshop will provide a great opportunity for tourism practitioners and destination managers to find out about this cutting-edge concept in tourism marketing and how it can be applied to achieve great results. “

The workshop is part of the World Travel Market 2013 and will take place on November 4, 2013 from 11.30 to 14:00 in the BTM Theatre at ExCel London. Prior to the event participants are encouraged to engage in the conversations on the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/events/120171938153132/) to make first contacts and raise issues to be considered at the event.

For more information please contact: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis (IFITT President) at ifitt@ifitt.orgor dbuhalis@bournemouth.ac.uk.

The Digital Destinations Project – Working together for innovation

Dr Philip Alford is featured as guest blogger at Visit England where he tells us about the Digital Destinations project an ESRC-funded research project led by Bournemouth University’s School of Tourism with an overarching aim to:

 ‘Capture change in the adoption and use of digital technologies by small visitor economy businesses to enable them to engage more effectively with existing and new customers and develop a strong, competitive local tourism economy.’
For the full blog please visit

Events & Leisure Industry Guest Speaker Series kicks-off this week

Let’s Talk Events & Leisure is happy to announce that the Industry Guest Speaker Series 2013 will kick-off this Thursday. Welcome to Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus KGO1 1100-1200.

This week we are very privileged to have Chief Executive, Peter Gunn of BH Live address our students and staff.  Peter is due to feature the scope and importance of Events & Leisure sector to their core business (i.e. BH Live oversees the planning and operation of: BIC (Bournemouth International Centre); Bournemouth Pavilion; Stokewood Leisure Centre; Pelhams Park Leisure Centre etc)  BH Live draws in over 2 million visitors annually, employs over 4000 people and draws over £2.5 million in economic activity.

This week’s guest lecture will also feature 3 BAEM & BALM grads. Seminar room P403 is booked 1200-1300 so that students and staff can continue on and meet with the grads informally for further questions after the guest lecture.  Tea & coffee will be available!

Guest lectures

If you are a BU graduate or from the industry and would like to attend, please contact Mary Beth Gouthro, Graduate/Professional Engagement (Events & Leisure) email: mgouthro@bournemouth.ac.uk  phone:  01202 961531


BU Sport students and academic succeed at European Association for Sport Management conference in Istanbul

BU Sport students and academic succeed at European Association for Sport Management conference in Istanbul

As part of its internationalisation activities the Sports group within the School of Tourism had four students participating at the Student Seminar and the main conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) in Turkey from 7 to 14 September.

The 4.5-full-day Student Seminar saw 60 students from 13 countries working in mixed international groups along management cases. Keynotes on those topics of current special interest were given by the NBA Europe Marketing Director, a recently retired UNICEF Programme Director, Professor March Krotee from North Carolina State University and Dr Tim Breitbarth, Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University.

BU students John Bryson, Stefan Ferencz and Oliver Johnson won their case competitions with their respective teams, and therefor had the chance to present at the 21st EASM conference. After the four winning groups’ presentations in front of a large audience, the jury decided on Oliver Johnson and his team as the overall winner of the management game. They were awarded during the conference’s closing banquet, which took place during a nightlong boot trip on the Bosporus.

Students present dissertation research to academic community

Beyond all four students’ great work as BU ambassadors during the Student Seminar, Luke Frary and John Bryson presented their dissertation research to the interested academic community, guided by Tim and Dr Andrew Adams, Senior Lecturer in Sport Management. Before his presentation, Luke had the chance to personally discuss his work on leadership over breakfast with 86-year old Professor Packianathan Chelladurai, arguably the most globally renown sport management and leadership scholar. John was asked by NBA Europe Marketing Director Naci Cansun to send his research results on the impact of CSR in professional sport and thoughts on managerial implications.

All students had to go through a very competitive application process and a good proportion of the overall trip was funded because of the students’ very strong applications to the BU Global Horizon Fund and the School of Tourism internal funding scheme. Besides their successes related to the conference, all students generally benefitted from the process of actively engaging and working with the large intercultural sports and business community.

Dr Tim Breitbarth workshop Lead Convenor at EASM conference

Despite its small presence at the world’s largest sport management conference, the BU Sports group made a big impact also due to Tim’s role as Lead Convenor of a very well-attended 1.5-day workshop on social responsibility management in professional sport, which for the first time brought most of the key researchers on the topic from North America, Australia and Europe together. In addition, experienced practitioners from Euroleague Basketball and German Society for International Cooperation were invited as keynote speakers and added to the discussion.

The workshop is part of the process which will lead to a special issue on the topic in Corporate Governance – The International Journal of Business in Society, with Tim leading a the guest editor team, which also features three colleagues from England, Germany and The Netherlands (www.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=4564).


Luke Frary with Andrés Guerrero, International Development Cooperation Expert and recently retired UNICEF Programme Director


Oliver Johnson (third from left) with his team from Finland, Germany and The Netherlands, which won the EASM 2013 Student Management Game.


Stefan Ferencz during group work


John Bryson with two of his team members from Germany and The Netherlands


Dr Tim Breitbarth, Senior Lecturer in Sport Management, with Professor Birol Cotuk, Dean Marmara University School of PE and Sport and Chair of the 21st EASM Conference, Istanbul/Turkey

Become a Bournemouth Ambassador

Bournemouth Pier

Seven miles of golden beaches, fantastic water sports, a buzzing nightlife and the best School of Tourism in the UK – it’s got to be Bournemouth!  But how well do you know the South Coast’s premier tourist resort?

Test your knowledge at the National Coastal Tourism Academy’s webpage ‘Become a Bournemouth Tourism Ambassador’ http://www.bournemouthambassador.co.uk/

It takes well under an hour, gives you customer service tips, an extra certificate for the CV and, best of all, it’s completely free!

Dr Tim Breitbarth speaker at 20th Anniversary of Cologne Business School

Tim Breitbarth speaker at Cologne Business School

In late August, the BU senior lecturer spoke at the symposium celebrating the 20th anniversary of Cologne Business School hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. Alongside other invited speakers like the former CEO of Metro AG, the marketing director of Porsche AG and a director of the German Football Association, Tim elaborated on business ethics and sustainability in the 21st century. In particular, he focused the audience’s attention on developments in the sports industry.

School of Tourism sees visit from Hainan

Visit from HainanFour delegates from Hainan Colleague of Software Technology attended the 2013 Hospitality summer school in Aug. The team is led by Prof. Zhiqiang Shang, Dean of the Tourism and Foreign Language Department. During their stay here in Bournemouth, they had a meeting with Dr. Keith Wilkes, Dr. Phil Long and Dr. Feifei Xu. The two parties exchanged opinions on a range of topics, including joint research funding, match funded PhD, summer school and top-up student recruitment.

School of Tourism welcomes the First Meeting of the UNWTO.TedQual Students’ Advisory Board

From 4 to 6 September 2013 will be held at the University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom, the first meeting of the UNWTO.TedQual Students’ Advisory Board.

This Advisory Board has been created with the goal to learn from the students – in their role of future tourism professionals – about their thoughts, worries, aspirations and commitments once accessing the labour market, as well as, in turn, sharing the tourism sector’s main concerns regarding a better practice of the profession.

To attain this objective, students from UNWTO.TedQual Institutions from around the world will gather for three days in Bournemouth to share their opinion with UNWTO on two main topics: The Tourism Labour Market and how they, as future professionals, can make clear commitments to contribute to its Sustainable Development.

During the meeting, the Advisory Board will therefore have the opportunity to speak with the employers, to participate in mock job interviews, and work on the ethics Decalogue for future professionals of the tourism sector.

We strongly hope this Students’ Advisory Board will contribute to a better development of the sector, as well as to the development of the student’s own personal and professional talents.

For the full programme