Dragons Den experience at School of Tourism

The Innovation unit this year involved working with 9 local organisations across the Events Management and Events & Leisure Marketing programmes.

This year the organisations included: The Print Room, Aruba, Bournemouth International Conference Centre, The Langtry Manor Hotel, Haskins Garden Centre, The Captains Club, The Green House Hotel, Chapel Gate and QE Leisure Centre.  The students had site visits to the organisations in February and then had to develop a new event or leisure product to suit their specific organisation’s needs.  The organisations were invited to the School of Tourism in May for their students to present their new ideas in a Dragons Den format.

Dragons Den 1

Gail Collins, Events Sales & Marketing Manager, BH Live said: “I am always pleased to see the talent and passion from the Bournemouth University students during their annual presentations to BH Live.  It is reassuring to know that our industries will in the future benefit from the skills they are now perfecting.” Matthew Piovan, Operations Manager of the Print Room said “I always enjoy working with the first year Events students at Bournemouth University, it is great to see their fresh ideas and approaches to event concepts that can be placed into a trading business to help increase revenue and awareness. Having partaken in the Dragon Den’s presentation element of their course for a number of years, it is always fascinating to see the new ideas that the students develop that we as the business managers may not have considered hosting, but now with different angles and target markets in mind, we do look at considering one or two in the future.

Dragons Den 2

Simon Morris, General Manager at the Haskins Garden Centre, said that he was impressed by the students approach during their fact finding visit to the centre and many of the ideas from the resulting presentations would be practical and viable to pursue: “We were impressed with their clear thinking and grasp of the realities of operating in a specialist retail environment.”

Learning to work together and building a relationship with a group and have an ownership for your work, is the greatest feeling

 Dragons Den 6

“In 10 weeks only, first year students had to understand and apply several new product development tools and processes, including PEST, SWOT, product portfolio analysis, Ansoff matrix, target market selection, idea generation and screening, creativity techniques and financial analysis”, said Dr. Miguel Moital, leader of the Event & Leisure Innovation unit. The teaching team, which also comprises Ms Pearl Morrison, Ms Kate Jones and Ms. Liz Gordon, agreed that once again students pitched some great new ideas underpinned in solid business cases.

Dragons Den 5

“This experience was an extremely useful insight into industry and the demands that would have to be met when performing a pitch to a business. I’ve learnt the importance of knowing the different processes of an events structure. The pressure of the pitch and the significance of time management when insuring the main points of the event have been portrayed in an exciting, innovative manner. I am very thankful for this opportunity and will definitely benefit from the experience in the future.” Alice Matthews (student)

Dragons Den 4

“Throughout the process of my Innovation, Dragons Den experience, I discovered that just coming up with a realistic idea is not so simple and fast as it first may seem. Especially working in a team, having a group with personality and opinion can be both beneficial and problematic and very challenging at times. However being able to delve into the background of a company and relating an event to their values can be very rewarding. Particularly creating something new to a real life company can be very daunting, but after learning to work together and building a relationship with a group and have an ownership for your work, is the greatest feeling. Although some areas could be tweaked, it is just a small look into the events industry and how it works, and the experience has only strengthened my determination to become a successful events manager in the future.” Verity Odukogbe​ (student)

Dragons Den 3

“Personally I found the experience exciting as well as challenge, allowing me to work with individuals I hadn’t before and learning my own strengths and weaknesses. Having a ‘real life’ business case made the process more challenging however more motivational as we had something to deliver, I loved the experience and would recommend to use in the future!” Abigail Mackenzie (student)

By: Pearl Morisson and Dr. Miguel Moital

School of Tourism student wins TMI David Hughes Memorial Award 2014

This year’s winner of the Tourism Management Institute David Hughes Memorial Award for outstanding student placement is Claire Rosslee, a student on the BA (Hons) Tourism Management course at Bournemouth University.

Claire was presented with her award at the TMI Digital Destinations Hot Topic event at Cheltenham Racecourse by TMI President, Neil McCollum MTMI MTS and TMI Head of CPD, Paul Williams MTMI FTS.  Claire receives one year’s complimentary Associate membership of TMI as well as the chance to attend the Hot Topic event, hear the latest developments in destination management and network with destination management professionals from across the UK.

The award, in memory of late TMI President David Hughes FTMI, is designed to encourage students on TMI Recognised courses to reflect on their placement experience, how it enables them to see concepts and theories in practice and acquire valuable workplace skills for their future career.  Students have to write a reflective report on their placement and submit it together with references from their placement host and their tutor.  The reports are assessed by the TMI Continuing Professional  Development Group and the TMI Executive.

Assessors particularly liked the way Claire had “reflected on her own strengths and weaknesses and demonstrated how her role had positively helped address these” and felt that she showed “a thorough understanding of destination management and how this is evolving.”  She had “given a good deal of consideration to her role and … taken on additional responsibilities, recognising that she is working for a small team”. Overall it was seen as a “very competent, mature and thoughtful piece of work”.

TMI Head of CPD, Paul Williams, said: “Claire’s placement with the official DMO for the English Riviera provided her with an excellent opportunity to gain valuable destination management and marketing insights to enhance her knowledge and understanding of the tourism industry gained as part of her sandwich degree course. The benefits of this practical industry experience were clearly evident throughout her reflective account and panel members were unanimous in judging her to be the overall winner of the David Hughes Memorial Award. In the light of the overall quality of the submission it is felt that this should be used as an example of good practice and guidance for other students in future. Well done Claire.”

By : TMI

TMI is the professional destination management section of the Tourism Society. For more information about TMI and the award please visit the TMI web site: http://www.tmi.org.uk

Volunteer opportunity at Camp Bestival!

Love Camp Bestival? Would you like a fantastic opportunity to volunteer at the festival this year and get a free festival ticket, food and transport from Studland House included? Beales Gourmet are looking for 4 enthusiastic people to work in their bars at the fantastic Camp Bestival at Lulworth from Thursday 30th July to Monday 4th august.

Do you have excellent communications skills?

Like working in a busy environment and thrive under pressure?

Enjoy being part of a lively team?

Previous bar work experience is an advantage.


Camp Bestival

Find out more about Camp Bestival by clicking the link below.


The 6th Sense Transport project

The 6th Sense Transport project has an end of project show, ‘The Internet of Cars’, that will be taking place during May and June across venues in the Bournemouth area (Bridport Arts Centre, the Hansard Gallery Southampton, Winchester Science Centre). More details can be found on the website: http://www.internetofcars.org.uk/

The project has commissioned a number of artists to work with data derived from the project resulting in a range of exhibits and events. For instance you can download a phone app and be part of the Internet of Cars.

For those with a more academic interest there is a symposium on 14th June at the Hansard Gallery, Southampton. This is free to attend but you’ll need to register.

See link to the programme for the day with details of how to register for anyone interested.

Internet of cars symposium

By: Janet Dickinson

Tourism students on field trip to Malta

Level  I BA Tourism Management students recently spent seven days in Malta as part of their studies.

Malta2The students were investigating tourism development, planning, operations and tourist behaviour during the field trip. During the trip students met with a number of tourism industry professionals, including representatives from Visit Malta, Air Malta, The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, Malta Planning Authority, and the Ministry of Gozo.

Students were able to look at the plans for Malta’s capital city Valletta as it prepares to become European Capital of Culture in 2018; explored the development of ecotourism on Malta’s sister island Gozo; experienced the redevelopment of Malta’s Three Cities for heritage and cultural tourism; visited new developments such as the National Aquarium; and investigated dark tourism provision at the catacombs. MaltaDuring the field trip links were strengthened between BU School of Tourism and the Institute of Tourism, Travel and Culture at the University of Malta, with BU students visiting the University for a guest lecture on the ‘Low Cost Carrier Revolution in Malta’.

By: Anya Chapman

External Examiner of a PhD from Brazil

Due to the marvels of technology, today I examined a PhD by a Brazilian Student from the Federal University of Parana (UFPR), South East Brazil. Graziela Scalise Horodyski, a PhD Candidate from the Faculty of Geography, defended a thesis entitled “Tourism Experience and Consumption: Souvenirs in Curitiba-PR”.


The session started with a 30 minute presentation by the candidate, which was followed by comments and questions from the examiners. The thesis was examined by the supervisor (Dr. José Gândara), myself and 4 other academics, all from UFPR: Professor Zaki Sobrinho (who is also UFPR’s Rector), Dr. Kleber Puchaski, Dr. Vander Valduga and Dr. Luís Lopes Diniz Filho. After a robust defense, the examining panel unanimously approved the thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Grazi!

By: Miguel Moital
Posted Tuesday, 29 April 2014 in http://miguelmoital.blogspot.co.uk/

On Everest, climbers pay to take risks while Sherpas take risks to get paid

Yeganeh Morakabati, Senior Lecturer at School of Tourism and John Fletcher, PVC Research and Innovation at Bournemouth University have written an article about the thrill-seeking tourists and risky business for Sherpas on Mount Everest.

“Climbing season on Mount Everest was due to enter its busiest time of year: the May “weather window”. But all has come to a halt on the world’s highest mountain following the worst-ever accident – an avalanche that took the lives of 16 Sherpas. The tragedy highlights how the difference between the wealth of the climbers, who pay to take the risks, and the Sherpas, who risk to earn their pay, is as yawning as the chasms in the region.” (The Conversation)

For the full article please see https://theconversation.com/on-everest-climbers-pay-to-take-risks-while-sherpas-take-risks-to-get-paid-25951