Dimitrios Buhalis Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing

The sweet moment that you receive the Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing

after 2 years of hard work editing the work of 1500 wonderful authors from around the world resulting

to a mega project of more than 1250 entries, 3528 pages, and more than 2 million words.

Buhalis, D., (ed), 2022, Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing, https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486

Order a copy for your library and recommend to your students

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing

THANKS A MILLION to all our authors and colleagues at Edward Elgar for their contribution and support throughout

All authors have access to the Encyclopedia online – Edward Elgar will be sending a new code to all authors – if you have not received your please contact Karen Jones encyclopedia@e-elgar.co.uk


Free to read entries:

Dimitrios Buhalis Tourism management and marketing in transformation https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781800377486/b-9781800377486.tourism.management.marketing.xml

Dimitrios Buhalis & Chris Cooper – Tourism Management https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781800377486/b-9781800377486.tourism.management.xml

Donald Getz & Vassilios Ziakas – Event Tourism https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781800377486/b-9781800377486.event.tourism.xml
Ulrike Gretzel – Online Reputation Management https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781800377486/b-9781800377486.online.reputation.management.xml
Abraham Pizam & Maksim Godovykh – Brand Awareness https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781800377486/b-9781800377486.brand.awareness.xml

Bruce Prideaux & Anna Phelan – The Circular Economy https://www.elgaronline.com/view/book/9781800377486/b-9781800377486.the.circular.economy.xml

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contributes to United Nations World Tourism Organisation Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism Development in Nature Areas – Compendium of Best Practices

Just Published United Nations World Tourism Organisation
Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism Development in Nature Areas – Compendium of Best Practices
Professors Simon Darcy and Dimitrios Buhalis have concluded the Compendium.
You can download the document from

 NEW BOOK JUST OUT : Gamification for TourismEdited by: Feifei Xu, Dimitrios Buhalis


Gamification for Tourism

Edited by: Feifei XuDimitrios Buhalis


Summary This book examines the cutting-edge concept of gamification in tourism. It provides a theoretical foundation for tourism gamification and discusses the concepts of gaming and gamification and their application in the tourism and hospitality industry. The chapters offer valuable insights by showcasing examples of best practice from different countries and addressing key issues of game mechanism and game design principles. They focus on areas such as game design elements, game player types and their motivation, location-based games, augmented reality and virtual reality games. The volume will be useful for students and researchers in tourism marketing, digital tourism, smart tourism and tourism futures. It also serves as a helpful tool for tourism industry practitioners looking to increase customer engagement, enhance loyalty and raise brand awareness.


Request an inspection copy  Price: £39.95 Add to basket (GBP)  | Price: $59.95 Add to basket (USD)  | Price: €54.95 Add to basket (EUR)

Individuals can get 50% discount if ordering direct before 31 May 2021 https://www.channelviewpublications.co.uk/page/detail/Gamification-for-Tourism/?k=9781845418229


Related Formats: HardbackEbook(PDF)Ebook(EPUB)

ISBN: 9781845418229

Publisher: Channel View Publications

Number of pages: 312

Dimensions: 234mm x 156mm

Published: 14th May 2021



Author Biography



Book Preview


Chapter 1. Feifei Xu & Dimitrios Buhalis: Gamification in Tourism: The Cutting-Edge Trend in Tourism

Part 1: Gamification Theories

Chapter 2. Demos Parapanos & Eleni Michopoulou: Gamification, Game Mechanics, Game Thinking and Players’ Profile and Life Cycle

Chapter 3. Russell B. Williams: Understanding Games and Gamified Experiences: The MAPS-AIM Model

Chapter 4. Ye (Sandy) Shen & Marion Joppe: Gamification: Practices, Benefits and Challenges

Part 2: Gamification Application and Case Studies

Chapter 5. Zuhal Cilingir Uk & Yaşar Gultekin: Gamification Applications in Hospitality and Airline Industries: A Unified Gamification Model

Chapter 6. Marianna Sigala & Elin Nilsson: Innovating the Restaurant Industry: The Gamification of Business Models and Customer Experiences

Chapter 7. Feifei Xu and Shaojin Li: Gaming and Branding: A Case Study of the Austria Adventure Game

Chapter 8. Luiz Pinto Machado: Gamification and Geocaching for Tourism Destinations: Marketing Madeira, Portugal

Chapter 9. Pablo Garrido-Pintado: Advergaming in Tourism: Spanish Cases

Chapter 10. Russell B. Williams: Pokémon GO: Serious Leisure and Game-Playing Tourists

Chapter 11. Sara MacBride-Stewart, Clare Parsons and Ilona Carati: Playfulness and Game Play: Using Geocaching to Engage Young People’s Well-being in a National Park

Chapter 12. Evrim Çeltek: Gamification: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Tourism Marketing Applications

Chapter 13. Feifei Xu & Dimitrios Buhalis: Conclusion


Reignite Cyprus Tourism: Meet In Cyprus

Reignite Cyprus Tourism: Meet In Cyprus
MICE Industry developments: Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions
Panel discussion in #Cyprus #tourism #MICE #marketing
Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios
Panos Podimatas CEO of Podimatas Group
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Bournemouth University International Centre of Tourism and Hospitality Research

REIGNITE LONDON – London Calling: Sharing is Caring! rebuilding life, communities and economy through Hospitality and Tourism and the Central London Alliance

REIGNITE LONDON – London Calling: Sharing is Caring! rebuilding life, communities and economy through Hospitality and Tourism and the Central London Alliance
JOIN US Tuesday 20th April 15:00:-17:00
The meeting will be broadcasted LIVE on Facebook

https://www.facebook.com/BUTourismHospitality and will be recorded on YouTube.
Organised by:
Bournemouth University International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research
Central London Alliance
PATA UK Bournemouth University Student Chapter
Chaired: Professors Dimitrios Buhalis and Adele Ladkin
Keynote: Tony Matharu, Integrity International Group and Central London Alliance
Daniela Wagner, Travel Weekly Group and PATA EMEA
Robert Paterson, CEO, Best Western Hotels
CENTRAL LONDON ALLIANCE is a collection of London businesses large and small, communities, charities,
associations and authorities who are pooling their resources and considerable influence to push
for a faster and more sustainable recovery of the capital city.

ICTHR and Professor Dimitrios Buhalis supports global tourism recovery from COVID with a range of keynotes, panels and interventions. Please join us at these events.

The International Centre of Tourism and Hospitality Research supports global tourism recovery from COVID.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis will deliver a range of keynotes, panels and interventions around the world.
Please join us at these events.

PHILIPPINES Wednesday 17 March 2021, 15:45 – 16:15 Manila time 07:45 – 8:15 am, London time.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis,  Smart Tourism within Smart Cities
Tourism Promotions Board: Tourism in the Philippines
Tourism and Technology Forum, Manila, The Philippines,
Register to attend the event at https://www.bit.ly/TravelTourismForum




LONDON Wednesday 17 March 2021, 10:30 – 12:15 Association of British Travel Agencies (ABTA)
Business Resilience Webinar Series:  Managing Travel Workforces
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR)
Future Talent in Tourism
REGISTER https://www.abta.com/events/abta-webinar-managing-travel-workforces



18-20 March 2021 INDIA Shillong, Meghalaya, India
Global Hospitality and Tourism Conference on Experiential Management and Marketing
GHTC 2020 Conference https://www.ghtconference.org/
Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, North -Eastern Hill University,  Shillong (India)

Thursday 18 March  2021, 14:00 AM to 15:00 (IST) – 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM (London Time).

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Smart Tourism and Restart of Tourism.

Friday 19, March 2021 14:30 to 16:00 (IST) – 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM (London Time).

Workshop on Publishing Tips in Top Tier Tourism and Hospitality Journals


Getting Past the Pandemic – Working Together
TTI Spring Conference webinar – Thursday 18 Mar 10:00 – 13:00 (UK)


Detailed Agenda
10:00  Welcome & TTI Update Tim Wright, Chairman, TTI
10:10 Addressing the Tourism Industry Tom Jenkins, Director, European Tourism Association
10:35 Tourism Post COVID Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University Business School
11:00 A Return to Hospitality Rob Paterson, CEO, Best Western Hotel Group GB
11:25 Coffee Break
11:45 Will  Airlines Take Off Again? Simon McNamara, Country Manager United Kingdom, IATA
12:10 Testing – Crucial to the New Normal Angus Urquhart, Sales Director, GeneMe UK
12:35 Leveraging Tech and Data Towards a Post-Pandemic World Richard Baker, Chief Commercial Officer, Inspiretec
13:00 Chairman’s Summary and Close Tim Wright, Chairman, TTI
Moderator: Paul Richer, Genesys Digital Transformation


Wednesday 24 March 2021 – 13:45-14:45 South Africa time – 11:45-14:45 London time
Johannesburg Marriott Hotel Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, South Africa
Africa Business Tourism and MICE
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis – Digital Transformation – new reality for survival recovery and growth
Moderator: Natalia Bayona UNWTO
Register https://virtualproductions.flockplatform.com/ep/?event=2021-Africa-Business-Tourism-and-MICE-Masterclass



Virtual Reality (VR) Innovations in Tourism & Destination Marketing
You are invited to attend this PATA Youth Webinar co-hosted by the Bournemouth University International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research
25 March 2021 – 09:00 London Time – 16:00 in Bangkok Time
What is the impact of Virtual Reality (VR) on the Tourism industry? We know that it is immersive, engaging and opens up new ways for destinations to engage with travellers. We know that the technology is exciting and as youth, we want to be at the forefront of this upcoming trend.
Dive into the world of VR with our expert guest speakers from Hong Kong Tourism Board, Spherie and Teleport to learn about VR Trends within the industry, opportunities with new technology and the decision-making process that happens behind the scenes.Questions we’ll ask in the panel discussion:
– What’s the wildest dream you have for the future of VR technology within the space of tourism?
– To Hong Kong Tourism Board, as a destination, what are the factors that you have to take into consideration, before choosing VR as a tool/technology in your marketing strategy?
– To Spherie and Teleport, what advice would you give to youths interested in breaking into the VR space as an entrepreneur?

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis will be contributing to theAssociation of British Travel Agencies (ABTA) Business Resilience Webinar SeriesManaging Travel Workforces

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR) will be contributing to the

Association of British Travel Agencies (ABTA) Business Resilience Webinar Series

Managing Travel Workforces 17 March 2021, 10:30 – 12:15 –

Venue: Zoom followed by a virtual networking platform

REGISTER https://www.abta.com/events/abta-webinar-managing-travel-workforces

This webinar will provide an essential update for those responsible for managing workforces in travel. Listen to sessions on key areas affecting travel employment before taking part in a new virtual networking session with other HR and industry peers.

In the morning, get an employment law update, including the latest information on the furlough scheme, and what the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement means for your staff. Following the Government’s COVID-19 roadmap announcement, understand your responsibilities for homeworkers and staff returning to the office. Learn the key considerations for when you are developing and implementing new remote working policies, and get an insight on how you can use technology to support your staff. Hear expert advice on training, motivating, and engaging with staff that have worked through the pandemic and those returning from furlough. Get guidance and advice on how you continue to look after your staff as working patterns change, providing support both in the office and at home. Finish the morning by taking part in a new interactive networking session. This discussion group on an innovative   platform ‘Wonder’ will allow you to discuss common issues with colleagues, and follow up directly with webinar speakers.


 10:30 Welcome from the moderator 

Vicki Wolf, Education Manager, ABTA 

10:35 Employment law update 

  • •Furlough – understanding the latest extension
  • •Sending staff to work in the EU – considerations following the EU-UK Trade and Cooperationagreement
  • •Possible legislative changes coming in 2021
  • •Employer duty of care – planning your return to the office


Ami Naru, Employment Partner, Travlaw

11:00 Hybrid workforce – what does this mean? 

  • •Staff collaboration and communication channels
  • •Remote working, transformation and duty of care


Simon Johnson, General Manager, UK&I, Freshworks

11:20 Staff wellbeing and engagement 

  • •Motivating, managing and engaging with returning staff
  • •Looking after your staff remotely and in the office
  • •Redundancy support


Hazel Craig, Senior Data Analytics Consultant, Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing

11:40 Panel discussion: future talent in travel 

  • •Developing future talent pipelines
  • •Filling skills gap because of COVID-19
  • •Utilising apprenticeships
  • •Diversity and inclusion


Moderated by: Vicki Wolf, Education Manager, ABTA

Jo Roche, Managing Director, Northern Training Academy

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Professor in Marketing, Strategy and Innovation, Bournemouth University

Carole Hodgson, Apprenticeship Delivery Manager, Hays Travel (TBC)

12:10 Summary and close of webinar 

Vicki Wolf, Education Manager, ABTA 

12:15 Networking and discussion 

ABTA is hosting a virtual discussion group on an innovative platform, specifically designed to make networking easy and fun. Meet your industry colleagues and discuss common issues surrounding your workforces. The interactive platform will have a number of areas to help start discussion, feel free to join a specific meeting group or network informally with colleagues. Discussion groups to include:

  • •IT resources
  • •Restructuring and workforce management
  • •Diversity and inclusion
  • •Apprenticeships
  • •Staff engagement


NEW RESEARCH JUST PUBLISHED ON BIG DATA: Stylos, N., Zwiegelaar, J. and Buhalis, D. (2021), “Big data empowered agility for dynamic, volatile, and time-sensitive service industries: the case of tourism sector”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management


Stylos, N., Zwiegelaar, J. and Buhalis, D. (2021), “Big data empowered agility for dynamic, volatile, and time-sensitive service industries: the case of tourism sector”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-07-2020-0644

Purpose-Dynamic, volatile, and time-sensitive industries, such as tourism, travel and hospitality require agility and market intelligence to create value and achieve competitive advantage. The aim of the current study is to examine the influence of big data (BD) on the performance of service organizations and to probe for a deeper understanding of implementing BD, based on available technologies. Design/methodology/approach-An ethnographic study was conducted following an abductive approach. A primary qualitative research scheme was used with 35 information technology and database professionals participating in five online focus groups of seven participants each. Analytical themes were developed simultaneously with the literature being revisited throughout the study to ultimately create sets of common themes and dimensions. Findings-BD can help organizations build agility, especially within dynamic industries, to better predict customer behavioral patterns and make tailor-made propositions from the BD. An integrated BD-specific framework is proposed to address value according to the dimensions of need, value, time and utility. Research limitations/implications-Little research exists on the key drivers of BD use for dynamic, real-time and agile businesses. This research adds to the developing literature on BD applications to support organizational decision-making and business performance in the tourism industry. Originality/value-This study responds to scholars’ recent calls for more empirical research with contextual understanding of the use of BD to add value in marketing intelligence within business ecosystems. It delineates factors contributing to BD value creation and explores the impacts on the respective service encounters.

New article just published: Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., Paskova, T., & Buhalis, D. (2020). Emotional intelligence: a competitive advantage for tourism and hospitality managers. Tourism Recreation Research, 1-13.

New article just published: 

Stoyanova-Bozhkova, S., Paskova, T., & Buhalis, D. (2020). Emotional intelligence: a competitive advantage for tourism and hospitality managersTourism Recreation Research, 1-13.



The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of tourism and hospitality management through exploring the perceptions of and the application of emotional intelligence (EI) in the practices of managers. The effect of EI on improving business performance is widely acknowledged in business and management studies. However, there is limited research in the context of tourism and hospitality industries. The paper contributes to the literature through a qualitative study of the perceptions and experiences of middle-level managers. Data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted in tourism and hospitality organisations in the UK.

The findings of the study reveal that EI can have a positive contribution to improving staff satisfaction, motivation and overall business productivity. They highlight the importance of building quality relationships among staff and the critical role middle management has in an organisation. Based on the finding from the qualitative inquiry, the authors propose a model conceptualising the role of managers’ EI in creating a competitive advantage for the organisation. Practical implications are discussed and recommendations for further research are provided. 

KEYWORDS: Emotional intelligence, staff satisfaction, self-regulation, staff motivation, tourism and hospitality industries, qualitative methodology

emotional intelligence
emotional Intelligence Model
Manager Emotional Intelligence

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was named by @webofscience as Highly Cited Researcher 2020.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis was named by @webofscience as Highly Cited Researcher 2020.
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Buhalis Highly Cited Researcher 2020
Each year, Clarivate™ identifies the world’s most influential researchers ─ the select few who have been most frequently cited by their peers over the last decade. In 2020, fewer than 6,200, or about 0.1%, of the world’s researchers, in 21 research fields and across multiple fields, have earned this exclusive distinction.
This is an elite group recognized for your exceptional research influence, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science™.