Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality Celebrates World Tourism Day with a photo competition

Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality Celebrates World Tourism Day with a photo competition

“Tourism and the Digital Transformation” is the theme of this year’s World Tourism Day (WTD).

To celebrate this important date in our industry and to support this theme of the year, we would like to go for something SMART and DIGITAL!

See the amazing talent of our students and vote for the photos that you like most

• Each student is encouraged to select one travel photo and send to our review committee:
Dr. Daisy Fan:
Dr. Nigel Williams:
• You can also share 2-3 sentences about why you select this photo.
• After your submission, your photo will be shared on IFITT twitter, IFITT Facebook, and Department of Tourism & Hospitality Facebook pages.
The number of likes (collectively from all the three social media platforms) will be considered to determine the final award winners!
• The deadline of submission will be: 26 September, 2018
• Result released: 27 September, 2018
• Three best photos will be awarded.
• Besides the secret prizes, awardees will also be invited to attend the “BU Artificial Intelligence for Tourism and Hospitality – IFITTtalk” on Wednesday 28 November 2018.
Dr. Daisy Fan:
Dr. Nigel Williams:

GTMC and Bournemouth University join forces to promote business travel careers

GTMC and Bournemouth University join forces to promote business travel careers

The GTMC and the Department of Tourism and Hospitality at Bournemouth University have today (24 September 2018) announced details of a ground-breaking partnership to highlight the career options open to students in the world of business travel. The tie-up will see the university’s acclaimed Department of Travel and Hospitality increase awareness of corporate travel and TMCs in its tourism degrees, with the two partners joining forces to offer students a host of opportunities as they study, and through placements and graduate jobs.

Dimitrios Buhalis, Adrian Parkes, Simon Thomas GTMC and Bournemouth University signing partnership

Dimitrios Buhalis, Adrian Parkes, Simon Thomas GTMC and Bournemouth University signing partnership

Bournemouth University is committed to contributing to GTMC’s programme of events and strategy groups to ensure that GTMC members and industry partners can play an active role in developing talent of the future in the business travel sector. It will also support the strategy of GTMC members and partners towards strengthening their future competitiveness. In return, the GTMC will work with the university to develop specific corporate travel content for courses and be a conduit to provide industry experts as guest speakers at appropriate lectures. Knowledge cocreation opportunities will emerge through commissioning projects and bringing academic expertise to industry and industry best practice to University.

Adrian Parkes, GTMC chief executive, commented: “The corporate travel sector is one that is very often overlooked by travel and tourism courses, so teaming up with Bournemouth University is an excellent way to raise the profile of our industry and explain the possibilities it offers young people. Bournemouth University is recognised as one of the world’s top Travel and Hospitality departments so this is a superb opportunity to attract the brightest and best students into corporate travel. I am sure our TMC members, affiliates and partner companies will be keen to participate in the initiatives we have planned.”

ProfessorDimitrios BuhalisBournemouth University Head of Tourism and Hospitality, said: “Bournemouth University, through its BU2025 strategy, is committed to being recognised worldwide as a leading university for inspiring learning, advancing knowledge and enriching society through the fusion of education, research and practice. This strategic partnership enables us to work closely with the GTMC to enhance the intellectual capital in the business travel sector. According to the Allied Market Research the Business Travel Market size is expected to reach $1,657 billion by 2023, registering a CAGR of 4.1 per cent during the forecast period. This is a very demanding market that requires global agility and technological tools to satisfy strict customer requirements in a turbulent environment. Bournemouth University will be working closely with GTMC members and partners to create the talent that will lead this sector in the future and also to co-create advanced knowledge to support the competitiveness of the industry.”

As part of the partnership, GTMC members and industry partners will be able to take part in the university’s careers fairs to recruit graduates and students looking for work placements, offer consultancy to final-year students and assist students doing cutting edge PhD research. Meanwhile, GTMC members and industry partners will be able to access Bournemouth University events and conferences, along with speaking opportunities. Both organisations will jointly share news and job vacancies between their relevant databases and work closely to develop the leaders who will take this industry forward.

Representing a diverse range of travel management companies – from global companies to small independent specialists and top regional agencies – and with a strong portfolio of partners that includes airlines, hotel chains, technology facilitators and other travel and transport companies GTMC, originally founded in 1967, is the voice of business travel and acts to lobby those who have an impact on the business travel community, together with promoting the activities of its members as the best in quality and value to the business traveller.

For more information on GTMC please visit: or call 020 3657 7010 or email

For more information on Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality see


Notes to editors


About GTMC

The GTMC is the UK’s leading professional body for travel management companies. The diverse membership accounts for over 93% of UK expenditure on managed business travel, delivering value for money and great service to business travellers in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.

About Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality

The Department of Tourism & Hospitality of Bournemouth University is one of the top universities in the world for the study of tourism and hospitality. The Department is recognised globally as a leading contributor to knowledge creation and dissemination in tourism and hospitality. The combination of staff expertise and enthusiasm, knowledge excellence and cocreation with industry, generate innovation and best professional practice. The BU2025 approach leads to inspiring learning, advancing knowledge and enriching society through the fusion of education, research and practice.

CALL FOR PAPERS – SPECIAL ISSUE  “Brand Management and Cocreation: lessons from tourism and hospitality”


“Brand Management and Cocreation: lessons from tourism and hospitality”

JOURNAL OF PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT – Planned publication is early 2021. 

2017 Impact Factor: 2.75


Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University, UK

Professor Nigel Morgan, Swansea University, UK

Dr Sangwon Park, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China  

The planned publication early 2021

Deadline for submissions 1 September 2019

Submissions period 1 August 2019- until 1 September 2019. 



Branding originated as a means by which a company differentiated its goods and/or services compared to its competitors (Cowley, 1991). The importance of brand management in tourism and hospitality has become more important than ever as the sectors have become mature, global and highly competitive. Hitherto, the creation of strong brands was the result of passive or responsive marketing involvement by brand managers on consumers (Brown, Kozinets, and Sherry, 2003). Recent literature on marketing and brand management, however, suggests that strong brands are generated from a co-creation process, involving consumers’ active engagement (Boyle, 2007). For example, Coupland, Iacobucci, and Arnould (2005, p. 107) comment that “the consumer is an active partner with the marketer in brand-meaning formation”, whilst Brown et al. (2003, p. 30) note “the brand is a milieu where marketing management and consumer commitment co-exist”. 

Tourism and hospitality deal with experiential products and are at the forefront of cocreation (Buhalis & Foerste, 2015) so that the integration of brand management and co-creation is now a crucial issue (Buhalis and Inversini, 2014). In terms of inseparability, one of the service characteristics, the service environment implies the involvement of consumers in the entire service process – including the production and consumption stages (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Morgan, and Ranchhod, 2009). Moreover, the development of information technology (e.g. TripAdvisor, Booking, and Expedia) facilitates the sharing of consumer service experiences and their positive or negative reflections as part of co-creation activities, which potentially informs brand development and reputation (Binkhorst and Den Dekker, 2009; Au, Buhalis and Law, 2014). Numerous studies in tourism and hospitality have discussed the brand management and co-creation, separately. However, academic attempts to integrate two important themes are more limited. Therefore, the purpose of this special issue in JPBM is to explore brand management and co-creation in tourism and hospitality contexts using a variety of issues/concepts/examples. We invite submissions on a broad range of tourism and hospitality branding topics in this regard, and welcome both conceptual and empirical contributions. 

Some suggested tourism and hospitality branding topics include: 

• Brand cocreation in tourism and hospitality

• Destination branding and cocreation

• Tourism and hospitality branding 

• Tourism and hospitality Branding across cultures 

• Branding through tourism ecosystems 

• Sustainability and tourism branding 

• Destination image and destination personality

• Branding for tourism places

• Regenerating obsolete brands in tourism and hospitality 

• Tourists engagement with brands

• Brand managers’ approaches to tourism and hospitality products

• Strategies for adapting innovative branding strategies to tourism and hospitality

• The impact of technology on tourism and hospitality branding 


Full papers submitted to this special issue are subject to the standard review procedures and rules of Journal of Product and Brand Management. Please note that:

• Papers need to be submitted online to the Special Issue on “Brand management and cocreation: lessons from tourism and hospitality” through the ScholarOne System ( 

• For informal enquiries you can contact the guest editors.

• Submissions will be blind-reviewed by at least two reviewers. 

• Based on the reviewers’ recommendation, the guest editors and the Editors-in-Chief will decide whether the particular submission is accepted as it is, revised and re-submitted, or rejected.

Deadline for submissions 1 September 2019.The Scholar 1 site will not open for submissions until 1 August 2019. 

The site will remain open for one month until 1 September 2019. 

Submissions to the special issue can only be made during this window and should be made by selecting the special issue from the drop down menu which will become available on 1 August 2019. The planned publication is early 2021. 


Au, N., Buhalis, D., Law, R., 2014, Online Complaining Behavior for Mainland China Hotels: The Perception of Chinese and Non-Chinese Customers”, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 15, pp.248-274. 

Binkhorst, E. and Den Dekker, T. (2009), “Agenda for co-creation tourism experience research”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Vol. 18 No. 2-3, pp. 311-327.

Boyle, E. (2007). “A process model of brand cocreation: brand management and research implications.” Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 122-131.

Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. and Sherry, J.F. (2003), “Teaching old brands new tricks: retro branding and the revival of brand meaning”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67 No. 3, pp. 19-33.

Buhalis, D., Foerste, M., 2015, SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value, Journal of destination marketing & management 4 (3), 151-161 76

Buhalis D., Inversini A. (2014) Tourism Branding, Identity, Reputation Co-creation, and Word-of-Mouth in the Age of Social Media. In: Mariani M.M., Baggio R., Buhalis D., Longhi C. (eds) Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Palgrave Macmillan, New York

Coupland, J.C., Iacobucci, D. and Arnould, E. (2005), “Invisible brands: an ethnography of households and the brands in their kitchen pantries”, Journal of Consumer Research., Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 106-13.

Cowley, D. (1991), Understanding Brands by Ten People Who Do, Kogan Page, London 

Boyle, E. (2007) “A process model of brand cocreation: brand management and research implications”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp.122-131.

Middleton, V. T., Fyall, A., Morgan, M., Morgan, M., & Ranchhod, A. (2009). Marketing in travel and tourism. Routledge.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Smart Tourism presentation at the European Travel Commission Workshop in Vienna on Smart Tourism for destinations

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis delivered a keynote Smart Tourism and the importance of networks for destinations presentation at the European Travel Commission Workshop in Vienna.

Professor Buhalis explained how eTourism evolved in the last 30 years and explained some of his research that was published in as early as in 1993 and is still relevant (Buhalis, D., 1993, Regional Integrated Computer Information Reservation Management Systems (RICIRMS) as a strategic tool for the small and medium tourism enterprises, Tourism Management, Vol. 14(5), pp.366 378. He then transformed ETC delegates to the future explaining how technology will shape the future of tourism by 2030.

He explained what smart tourism is and what are the benefits for tourism destinations and organisations from the emerging tourism digital ecosystem.  Latest research from key publications was also offered.

Professor Buhalis also offered the latest range of research on smart tourism as explained in a range of publications including:

Zhang, H., Gordon, S., Buhalis, D., Ding, X., 2018, Experience Value Cocreation on Destination Online Platforms, Journal of Travel Research, In print

Buhalis, D., Leung, R., 2018, Smart Hospitality – Interconnectivity and Interoperability towards an Ecosystem, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol.71, pp.41-50

Molinillo, F., Liébana-Cabanillas, F., Anaya-Sánchez, R., Buhalis, D., 2018, DMO online platforms: image and intention to visit, Tourism Management, Vol.65, pp.116-130

Williams, N., Inversini; A., Buhalis, D., Ferdinand, N., 2017 Destination eWOM drivers and characteristics, Annals of Tourism Research Vol.64 pp.87–101

Boes, K., Buhalis, D., Inversini, A., 2016, Smart tourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness”, International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 2(2), pp.108–124

Williams, N., Ferdinand, N., Inversini, A., Buhalis, D., 2015, Community Crosstalk: An exploratory analysis of destination and festival eWOM on Twitter, Journal of Marketing Management Vol.31 (9-10), pp.1113-1140

Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., Ladkin, A., 2015, Smart technologies for personalised experiences. A case from the Hospitality Industry, Electronic Markets, Volume 25(3), pp. 243-254

Xiang, Z., Tussyadiah, I.,Buhalis, D., 2015, Smart destinations: Foundations, analytics, and applications, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), October 2015, pp. 143-144

Buhalis, D., and Foerste, M., 2015, SoCoMo Marketing for Travel and Tourism:  empowering co-creation of value, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), October 2015, pp.151–161

Neuhofer, B., Buhalis, D., Ladkin, A., 2014, A typology of technology enhanced experiences, International Journal of Tourism Research, 16: 340–350.

Mistilis, N., and Buhalis, D., Gretzel, U., 2014, ‘eDestination Marketing of the future: the perspective of an Australian Tourism Stakeholder Network ‘, Journal Travel Research, Vo.53, 1-13.


Professor Dimitrios Buhalis at the European Travel Commission Workshop in Vienna on Smart Tourism for destinations #tourism #smart #destination #smarttourism #smarttourism #IoT #ArtificialIntelligence

BU Artificial Intelligence for Tourism and Hospitality – IFITTtalk

BU Artificial Intelligence for Tourism and Hospitality – IFITTtalk
Wednesday 28 November 2018 – 09:00-17:00 FG06, Fusion, Bournemouth University, BH12 5BB, UK
Chairs: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and Dr Nigel Williams eTourismLab, Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Bournemouth University – Supported by IFITT talks #BUeTourism #IFITT

The (re) emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a service automation approach leveraging low cost computing and large datasets is impacting consumer experiences and is set to revolutionize tourism experiences. The ubiquitous and prevailing use of mobile devices for communication assures that stakeholders of such ‘consumer experiences’ are required to provide rapid responses to contextual queries made at any time, including within an experience encounter or activity at a destination level. AI tools that can make sense of real-time questions posed by consumers in context can provide significant value and increase engagement as well as reducing costs to destination organizations. The use of AI by tourism organizations is still low and this workshop will explore the opportunities and challenges of engaging AI as a customer co-creation toolset for industry and economic benefits. It will conclude with a scenario development exercise to identify possible futures for AI and Tourism along with a roadmap for the next 3 years of AI/Tourism development.

09:00 –09:30 Arrival and networking FG06

09:30-11:00 Artificial Intelligence for Tourism and Hospitality – theoretical perspectives 

© Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and Dr Nigel Williams : Artificial Intelligence for Tourism and Hospitality: From individuals to clusters
© Dr Iis Tussyadiah University of Surrey, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
© Dr Luiz Mendes Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Smart Tourism developments
Dr Chulmo Koo, Kyung Hee University, Korea, Smart Tourism and Artificial Intelligence
Professor Hannes Werthner Vienna University of Technology, Austria – The future of Artificial Intelligence

11:00-11:30 Coffee and networking

11:30-13:00 Artifilcial Intelligence for Tourism and Hospitality – best practice 

Gergana Halatcheva, GHS Global Hospitality
Lee Mallon, Rarely Impossible
Jamie Sergeant This is Crown
Rowena (Copestake) Revill
Nikos Maniatis The Cato Bot
Rob Monster  DigitalTown
Tom Keeping Keeping Studio
Manolis Varouhas imonline

13:00 -14:00 Networking Lunch

14:00-15:30 Workshops Designing the future of Articial Intelligence in Tourism

15:30-16:00 Break and Networking

16:00-17:00 Conclusions  Research and Innovation agendas for the future
Chairs: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and Dr Nigel Williams
AI Fusion: Future research – Projects  –  Publications  –  Best Practice Excellence  –  Education Innovations


The Bournemouth University eTourism Lab Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality  explores cutting edge information and communication technologies, alongside e-based strategic management and marketing for the tourism and hospitality industries. The eTourism Lab resides within the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research (ICTHR) in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University.  The eTourism Lab offers global excellence in the field of eTourism in the widest possible sense which includes eTravel, eTransport, eHospitality and eCatering/Food. In addition it researches how social media is becoming critical for organisations to communicate effectively and compete globally. Latest research themes include online reputation and managing brands online; real time business management and marketing social media engagement, co-creation and interaction; augmented reality and gamification. Led by world expert Professor Dimitrios Buhalis the Lab is a research centre of global excellence.

For more information please contact Professor Dimitrios Buhalis  eTourism Lab Bournemouth University

Dr Sean presents on Food, Culture and Sustainability in the Dorset Food Hall. Wows them at Dorset County Show

Dr Sean Wows them at Dorset County Show

Dr Sean Beer continued his work with Dorset County Show, by Sean, who originally helped set up the Dorset Food Hall more than 10 years ago, can be seen with some totally engrossed youngsters preparing Dorset crabs and lobsters.  Sean maintains that the sustainability of our food supply chain is one of the most important issues for the future of human kind.  And what better way to communicate those ideas and effect change than engaging with young people over some of the best food in the world.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contribute to the African Tourism Leadership Forum and meets the Tourism Ministers of Seychelles and Ghana 

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis contribute to the African Tourism Leadership Forum and meets the Tourism Ministers of Seychelles and Ghana

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis with Hon. Didier Dogley Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marines

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis with Hon. Catherine Afeku Ghana Minister For Tourism, Arts & Culture

join us for the TTRAEurope2019, Tourism in the era of connectivity, Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality 8-10 April 2019

join us for the TTRAEurope2019, Tourism in the era of connectivity, Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality 8-10 April 2019



Conference website
Submission link

The Travel and Tourism Research Association’s 2019 European Chapter Conference will be hosted by Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality in Bournemouth from Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th April 2019. This is a three-day conference that will include a doctoral colloquium day and industry best practice thread. The theme of the conference is Tourism in the Era of Connectivity, which covers a broad range of themes to ensure that we are inclusive of the widest range of tourism research.


People-to-people connectivity is an essential aspect of tourism; bringing people from all aspects of life together to meet, share moments and explore cultures, resources and experiences. Connectivity brings us together through shared routes, accessibility, communication, and experiences in different environments and destinations. Increasingly, global society is becoming more connected, facilitating opportunities for exchange and interaction, bringing both opportunities and challenges. Tourism is changing dramatically in the era of connectivity.

Advanced technology enables users to amalgamate information and big data from various sources on their mobile devices, personalise their profile through applications and social networks, and interact dynamically with their surroundings and context. Tourism professionals increasingly use technologies and networking to bring different stakeholders together to co-create value for all. The conference will connect the different concepts of connectivity, personalisation, tourism development and marketing towards co-creation of the tourism experience. It will explore how these experiences can support the co-creation of value for all stakeholders and address a range of components of connectivity.

Examples of the conference themes include but not limited to:

Coastal Tourism; Tourism Marketing; Economics and Planning; Culture and Heritage; Hospitality Innovations; Digital Tourism; Sustainability and Wildlife; Gender, Accessibility and Inclusion; Tourism Management; Overtourism; Tourism and Philosophy; Special Interest and Niche Tourism; Spiritual, Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism; Events and Leisure; Experience and Co-creation; Small Business and Entrepreneurship.

Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Research papers and case studies (5,000 word paper or 1,000 word extended abstract)
  • Doctoral research papers (5,000 word paper or 1,000 word extended abstract)
  • Applied (industry and sector) papers (1,000 word extended abstract)
  • Student papers, including Masters theses (1000 word extended abstract)

Instructions to Authors

Please adhere to the following for your submission:

  • Word limit of 1,000 words for extended abstracts; word limit of 5,000 words for full papers.
  • Word limit includes references, tables, figures, etc.
  • Please use Arial font size 12 throughout.
  • Must be presented in MS Word Format, on size A4 (210 by 297 mm) paper, with margins of: left 3 cm, right, top and bottom 2.5 cm.
  • Any illustrations should be of high resolution, preferably in JPEG or TIFF format.
  • The page composition should be as follows:
    • TITLE: In uppercase, bold, and centered.
    • AUTHOR/ AUTHORS: in lowercase and the surname(s) in uppercase.
    • CATEGORY: please indicate the paper category of the submissions (Research paper and case study; Doctoral research paper; Applied (industry/sector) paper; Student paper (for all students other than doctoral researchers)).
    • TEXT: Arial 12, full justification and single spacing. Paragraphs will begin without tabulation and with single spacing with regard to the title or the prior paragraph.
    • FIGURES AND TABLES: will be incorporated into the text in the corresponding place. They will be numbered separately (figures and tables) by order of appearance (Arabic numerals). The title, in bold and centered, will be located at the top and will be separated from the figure or table by space.
    • FOOTNOTES: Please keep to a minimum. Where used they should be consecutive, with full justification and Arial 8 font.
    • REFERENCE STYLE: please use the referencing style of the American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission: 5th January 2019

Notification for acceptance: 5th February 2019

Final submission: 1st March 2019

Early Bird Deadline: 1st March 2019

Conference: 8th-10th April 2019 **TTRA CONFERENCE IN BOURNEMOUTH**

Conference themes and call for papers

Submit papers for the conference

Contributions by academics, practitioners and phd students are welcome in the following categories:

Categories Requirements
Research papers and Case studies Papers 5000 words or 1000 word extended abstract
Doctoral Research papers Papers 5000 words or 1000 word extended abstract
Applied (industry and sector) papers 1000 words extended abstract
Student papers (including master theses) 1000 words extended abstract

Confirmed Invited speakers so far

Travel and Tourism Research Association 2019

Associate Professor Luisa Andreu Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Spain

Professor Carlos Costa University of Aveiro, Portugal and Editor of the Journal of Tourism & Development

Professor Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida, USA and coEditor of Elsevier’s Journal of Destination Marketing & Management

Professor Scott McCabe Nottingham University and co-Editor of Annals of Tourism Research

Assistant Professor Luiz Mendes-Filho, Tourism Department, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Professor Tanja Mihalic University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Associate Professor Ana María Munar Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Professor Nigel Morgan, Swansea University, UK

Professor Mike Peter (University of Innsbruck, Austria) The Relevance of Family businesses in Tourism and Hospitality

Professor Cleopatra Veloutsou University of Glasgow UK and co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Product and Brand Management.