“Brand Management and Cocreation: lessons from tourism and hospitality”
JOURNAL OF PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT – Planned publication is early 2021.
2017 Impact Factor: 2.75
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University, UK
Professor Nigel Morgan, Swansea University, UK
Dr Sangwon Park, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
The planned publication early 2021
Deadline for submissions 1 September 2019
Submissions period 1 August 2019- until 1 September 2019.
Branding originated as a means by which a company differentiated its goods and/or services compared to its competitors (Cowley, 1991). The importance of brand management in tourism and hospitality has become more important than ever as the sectors have become mature, global and highly competitive. Hitherto, the creation of strong brands was the result of passive or responsive marketing involvement by brand managers on consumers (Brown, Kozinets, and Sherry, 2003). Recent literature on marketing and brand management, however, suggests that strong brands are generated from a co-creation process, involving consumers’ active engagement (Boyle, 2007). For example, Coupland, Iacobucci, and Arnould (2005, p. 107) comment that “the consumer is an active partner with the marketer in brand-meaning formation”, whilst Brown et al. (2003, p. 30) note “the brand is a milieu where marketing management and consumer commitment co-exist”.
Tourism and hospitality deal with experiential products and are at the forefront of cocreation (Buhalis & Foerste, 2015) so that the integration of brand management and co-creation is now a crucial issue (Buhalis and Inversini, 2014). In terms of inseparability, one of the service characteristics, the service environment implies the involvement of consumers in the entire service process – including the production and consumption stages (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Morgan, and Ranchhod, 2009). Moreover, the development of information technology (e.g. TripAdvisor, Booking, and Expedia) facilitates the sharing of consumer service experiences and their positive or negative reflections as part of co-creation activities, which potentially informs brand development and reputation (Binkhorst and Den Dekker, 2009; Au, Buhalis and Law, 2014). Numerous studies in tourism and hospitality have discussed the brand management and co-creation, separately. However, academic attempts to integrate two important themes are more limited. Therefore, the purpose of this special issue in JPBM is to explore brand management and co-creation in tourism and hospitality contexts using a variety of issues/concepts/examples. We invite submissions on a broad range of tourism and hospitality branding topics in this regard, and welcome both conceptual and empirical contributions.
Some suggested tourism and hospitality branding topics include:
• Brand cocreation in tourism and hospitality
• Destination branding and cocreation
• Tourism and hospitality branding
• Tourism and hospitality Branding across cultures
• Branding through tourism ecosystems
• Sustainability and tourism branding
• Destination image and destination personality
• Branding for tourism places
• Regenerating obsolete brands in tourism and hospitality
• Tourists engagement with brands
• Brand managers’ approaches to tourism and hospitality products
• Strategies for adapting innovative branding strategies to tourism and hospitality
• The impact of technology on tourism and hospitality branding
Full papers submitted to this special issue are subject to the standard review procedures and rules of Journal of Product and Brand Management. Please note that:
• Papers need to be submitted online to the Special Issue on “Brand management and cocreation: lessons from tourism and hospitality” through the ScholarOne System (
• For informal enquiries you can contact the guest editors.
• Submissions will be blind-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
• Based on the reviewers’ recommendation, the guest editors and the Editors-in-Chief will decide whether the particular submission is accepted as it is, revised and re-submitted, or rejected.
Deadline for submissions 1 September 2019.The Scholar 1 site will not open for submissions until 1 August 2019.
The site will remain open for one month until 1 September 2019.
Submissions to the special issue can only be made during this window and should be made by selecting the special issue from the drop down menu which will become available on 1 August 2019. The planned publication is early 2021.
Au, N., Buhalis, D., Law, R., 2014, Online Complaining Behavior for Mainland China Hotels: The Perception of Chinese and Non-Chinese Customers”, International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 15, pp.248-274.
Binkhorst, E. and Den Dekker, T. (2009), “Agenda for co-creation tourism experience research”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Vol. 18 No. 2-3, pp. 311-327.
Boyle, E. (2007). “A process model of brand cocreation: brand management and research implications.” Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 122-131.
Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. and Sherry, J.F. (2003), “Teaching old brands new tricks: retro branding and the revival of brand meaning”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67 No. 3, pp. 19-33.
Buhalis, D., Foerste, M., 2015, SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value, Journal of destination marketing & management 4 (3), 151-161 76
Buhalis D., Inversini A. (2014) Tourism Branding, Identity, Reputation Co-creation, and Word-of-Mouth in the Age of Social Media. In: Mariani M.M., Baggio R., Buhalis D., Longhi C. (eds) Tourism Management, Marketing, and Development. Palgrave Macmillan, New York
Coupland, J.C., Iacobucci, D. and Arnould, E. (2005), “Invisible brands: an ethnography of households and the brands in their kitchen pantries”, Journal of Consumer Research., Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. 106-13.
Cowley, D. (1991), Understanding Brands by Ten People Who Do, Kogan Page, London
Boyle, E. (2007) “A process model of brand cocreation: brand management and research implications”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp.122-131.
Middleton, V. T., Fyall, A., Morgan, M., Morgan, M., & Ranchhod, A. (2009). Marketing in travel and tourism. Routledge.