What wellbeing support is available to me at BU and how can I use it?

How are you, really? We all know that being a uni student can be tough sometimes. Whatever the source of your feelings, it is important to remember to prioritise your wellbeing, both mental and physical. BU has a variety of wellbeing services available to students which you can make use of should you need to…. Read more » about What wellbeing support is available to me at BU and how can I use it?

Being the first in your family to go to university

Being a first-generation student can be a tough gig. For some, it can feel strange knowing how to fit into a place that none of your family have been before. If you feel this way, don’t worry! Feelings of stress and worry before starting university are completely normal, especially if you are a first-generation student…. Read more » about Being the first in your family to go to university

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How Bournemouth University Supports The COVID-19 Fight

It is a tough time for everyone, for the ones that are working at the frontline as much as the ones, like me, who are in lockdown. However, students and staff at Bournemouth University are working hard to help out and give support to anyone who needs it. Here are the ways the BU community… Read more » about How Bournemouth University Supports The COVID-19 Fight

A Day in the Life: A PG in Dublin in Isolation

We’ve all found ourselves in a situation we could never have imagined. I’m back at home with my family, and, at first, my days tended to go one of two ways – the productive day, or the stuck on the sofa with Netflix day. I’ve found a better balance now, and a typical day for… Read more » about A Day in the Life: A PG in Dublin in Isolation

Wellbeing and balance: it’s World Sleep Day!

Wellbeing can slip under the radar for all of us, especially for the average uni student where a normal sleep schedule and being balanced is ultimately the last thing on our minds. However, with the general stresses of uni – in my case, dissertation deadline looming – it is important to know how to balance… Read more » about Wellbeing and balance: it’s World Sleep Day!

Does BU value your health and wellbeing? Here is what they have to offer!

Hi guys, this is Talya. Today I am sharing information regarding the health and wellbeing services provided by BU. Since I have a degree in Psychology and currently undertaking my MSc in Clinical Psychology at BU, I am very much interested of the wellbeing of others. It is safe to say that BU has a… Read more » about Does BU value your health and wellbeing? Here is what they have to offer!

How SUBU can transform your student experience

If you want to make the most out of your time at BU, I’d definitely recommend getting involved with SUBU. There’s plenty of opportunities for everyone. In first year, I volunteered to be the Student Rep. This led to a snowball effect; The skills and experience I gained from joining the rep team helped me… Read more » about How SUBU can transform your student experience

How to cope if you feel overwhelmed at university

The first few weeks at university are challenging at the best of times: you are placed in a new environment with people you don’t know, going places you’ve never been and doing things you’ve never done before; if you’re not nervous about any of it, you must be some sort of superhuman! Do not fret… Read more » about How to cope if you feel overwhelmed at university