News Days: The best part of my course so far…

Entering the second year of BA Hons Multimedia Journalism felt fast and strong. Our return was adjusted due to the current conditions but we were immediately thrown in the deep end of journalism with the task of news days. News days is what journalists lives are all about, everyday we come up with stories, plans,… Read more » about News Days: The best part of my course so far…

Read about James’ experience at the JP Morgan coding event

This is a guest blog by James Leaver, who is studying BSc (Hons) Data Science & Analytics. In June 2021, I will begin JPMorgan’s 50-week Software Engineering internship program at their Bournemouth campus. This is in large part due to my experience at their Code For Good event – the topic of this blog post…. Read more » about Read about James’ experience at the JP Morgan coding event

Graduate Lucy lands a role with ITV

This is a guest blog post by graduate Lucy Brady, graduate from BA (Hons) Television Production. Last February, I was fortunate enough to be offered a job at ITV Daytime as a Studio Technician, working part-time alongside completing my TV Production degree at Bournemouth University. My contract was due to change to full-time in June, however, 2020 had… Read more » about Graduate Lucy lands a role with ITV

Gaining confidence and networking on my placement in Barcelona

This is a guest blog post by final year student Niamh Woodmass, studying her BA (Hons) History. My name is Niamh Woodmass and I am a Final Year History student at Bournemouth University. I decided to do my 30 week work placement abroad as an English Language Assistant in Barcelona, Spain. Working abroad offers so… Read more » about Gaining confidence and networking on my placement in Barcelona

Moving onwards and upwards! (rather online and upwards): the new norm

The global coronavirus pandemic has affected pretty much everything, from how we live our daily lives to how we work. University has been no exception to this and has become another key thing that has been adapted to function online. So, as university has adapted, so must we! Here I will share some skills that… Read more » about Moving onwards and upwards! (rather online and upwards): the new norm

Reflecting on my placement year at the Walt Disney Company

This is a guest blogger post by current student Ben Levene, studying BA (Hons) Marketing Communications. Now that I have finished my placement year, it seems like a great time to reflect on working for the Walt Disney Company. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ben and I will be going… Read more » about Reflecting on my placement year at the Walt Disney Company

Remote Studying – the Reality of 2020

At the beginning….. The breakthrough of COVID-19 caught many off-guard. The sudden restrictions and changes to everyday life were unexpected. Whilst watching the fireworks in the sky and welcoming 2020 on the 1st of January, I did not expect such drastic changes that would reach us in a mere three months. The reality of isolation,… Read more » about Remote Studying – the Reality of 2020