The lessons I learnt at BU

Yes I learnt a lot about my course and industry while at university, but my time at BU taught me a lot about life too. These are some of the key lessons I learnt: 1. Friendships It is cliche but the value of friendships becomes very clear while at university, you start to appreciate quality… Read more » about The lessons I learnt at BU

Brightspace; an e-friend and learning solution

  Back in Nigeria – in October 2020, when I received the email from BU International Admission that learning would take place online for my January 2021 postgraduate programme, I became really curious and perturbed. I wondered aloud and spoke to some friends who had completed their studies before the advent of Covid-19 in the… Read more » about Brightspace; an e-friend and learning solution

One way flight: Look back piece on leaving home

My parents have worked hard to ensure my sisters and I are able to attend university abroad. Growing up and moving out was what we expected. Looking back, it wasn’t until early September when the realisation struck me that I am moving away.  At first it was excitement and joy, being able to start a… Read more » about One way flight: Look back piece on leaving home

The first few days: 3 tips to settling in

Moving to university is an entire experience on its own. You have traveled the distance, you have your belongings in bags, and you have just stepped into your accommodation. Now you are here and classes have not yet begun, so you may start to feel the sense of “what now?”  I have personally met an… Read more » about The first few days: 3 tips to settling in

My top 5 uni experiences 

Making friends in my accommodation  Meeting my new flat mates in person for the first time after speaking on social media in the build up to starting university and  making plans to go out to freshers events together,  cook together, finding out about each other’s courses and deciding what to bring for university was definitely… Read more » about My top 5 uni experiences 

Getting involved with SUBU during my first year

If you are a new student or a prospective student interested in studying at Bournemouth University (BU), you must been wondering if BU have anything like a student council or students’ representative. Well here at BU, we have Students’ Union at Bournemouth University or famously known as SUBU. You will be represented by full-time officers… Read more » about Getting involved with SUBU during my first year

Fun places to go around Bournemouth with your friends!

Personally, I was scared that Bournemouth would be just a ‘dead town’ with nothing much to do. However, it’s quite the opposite, once I got to Bournemouth and actually began enjoying the lifestyle here. The nightlife is great, but for this blog, I will focus more on places you can go with your friends to… Read more » about Fun places to go around Bournemouth with your friends!

Top 5 places to go around Bournemouth during Summer Holiday

It’s summer holiday! I’m sure most of you are excited to spend your summer break with friends and/family in the sunshine, and I am personally very excited to go to the beach and hang out with my friends. As the beach is a must to go to during the summer, I will be sharing 5… Read more » about Top 5 places to go around Bournemouth during Summer Holiday

My placement at the Foundation for Environmental Education

This is a guest blog post by current student Saga Oskarson Kindstrand, studying BA (Hons) Politics. My name is Saga, I am doing my bachelor in Politics at BU and just finished a 34 week placement at the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in Copenhagen. I’m born and raised in Sweden but chose to attend… Read more » about My placement at the Foundation for Environmental Education

Top 10 coffee spots and eateries in Bournemouth

Hi! If you’re here because you’re looking for new places to go in Bournemouth, you come to the right post! I will be sharing my personal favourite coffee spots and eateries in Bournemouth, and maybe one of these will become your favourite too! Coffee spot : Delice des champs A french cafĂ© located on the… Read more » about Top 10 coffee spots and eateries in Bournemouth

Being part of the Asian, Arab and Ethnic Minority (AAEM) Community

BU is a lot more diverse than I originally expected. When I went to the Fresher’s Fair during my first year, I stumbled across the Liberation Campaign in the Students’ Union at Bournemouth University (SUBU). There are six campaigns represented by SUBU; Women’s Campaign, Transgender and Non-Binary Students Campaign, Students’ with Disabilities Campaign, LGB+ Campaign,… Read more » about Being part of the Asian, Arab and Ethnic Minority (AAEM) Community