How an MA can change your career – Gemma’s story

Gemma Kauffman graduated from the MA Creative and Media Education course in 2011, and now she works freelance, specialising in social engagement through the arts as well as preparing for her new exhibition, And The Dark And The Dark, which is opening in London in November. Below, Gemma talks about how the MA helped her move… Read more » about How an MA can change your career – Gemma’s story

Benny’s story: The first step

Meet our new vlogger, Benny Sing! He’s just joined us to study BSc (Hons) Games Technology, and he’ll be sharing his story over the next year. Watch his first vlog to see Benny moving into the Student Village and getting a first look at our Talbot Campus…

Halls becoming home

As it sunk in that I was clear of Clearing and closer to moving to uni, accommodation seemed the next check-box to be ticked! I was sure the chance of me getting into Halls of Residence was unlikely, yet I applied anyway, having gained high hopes from a confirmed place on my chosen course. When… Read more » about Halls becoming home