Why Bournemouth is the best town for students…

We all think that whatever town our university is in, it is the best town for students but Bournemouth definitely is something special! When my friends visit from other universities, they comment on how great it is, so it’s not just my bias… here are a few reasons why:   The Beach. Bournemouth is situated… Read more » about Why Bournemouth is the best town for students…

Staying safe on a night out

Regardless of whether you’re a student or not, everyone should keep safe when on a night out. It’s easy when your among friends or if your familiar with an area to take your safety for granted. Watch my vlog where I share some top tips!

Five things you can do to make going out as stress-free as possible

Although the whole purpose of a night out is to go out with your friends and have a good time, there are so many opportunities for things to go wrong and for it to end up being actually quite a stressful experience! Here are a few ways to make the night run as seamlessly as… Read more » about Five things you can do to make going out as stress-free as possible

When should I start thinking about 2nd year accommodation?

When beginning to think about that dream house you want for second year there are many things to take into account including the people you want to live with, the location (Winton is ideal) and how much you want to spend. I started looking for my second year house in January and there was still many… Read more » about When should I start thinking about 2nd year accommodation?

8 best and worst things about going home for Christmas

Cold weather, a smell of cinnamon biscuits and mince pies, Christmas tree, tinsels and a mug of hot chocolate. There is nothing that could possibly sound better than going home for Christmas when you are drowning in deadlines this December. It is honestly, the light at the end of the tunnel. And yet, here you… Read more » about 8 best and worst things about going home for Christmas

Kamonpa’s reflection on her Tourism Management studies

This is a guest blog from Kamonpa Wangkuanklang, who studied MSc Tourism Management. Kamonpa reflects on her time at BU and the things she had the opportunity to experience during her studies.  A year at BU was very wonderful for me! I was a student in MSc Tourism Management 2017/2018. It was the right choice to study… Read more » about Kamonpa’s reflection on her Tourism Management studies