My week in photos

Here’s a week in my life – in photos! Day 1, Wednesday 3 February 2016 I study Television Production and am currently applying to work placements as part of my degree. Today I travelled to London as I was invited to an interview in Hammersmith! After the interview I met my mother and went to… Read more » about My week in photos

Shaay’s Lansdowne Campus tour

If you’re joining us for a Health and Social Sciences course, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time on Lansdowne Campus. It’s also where a lot of our first year students live. Here’s Shrada to show you around!

Coping with homesickness

Homesickness is something that affects many students, and not just those who have travelled hundreds of miles to university. Even if you only live a short distance away, you’ll probably miss home at some point. You might even feel fine at the beginning, but suddenly start feeling homesick after you’ve settled in. As postgraduate students,… Read more » about Coping with homesickness