Student in scrubs taking selfie

Operating Department Practice – current student Emily’s POV

Emily is currently studying BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice at Bournemouth University.   Here we asked her a series of questions to find out more about her course, placement experience and life in theatres…… Why did you choose to study ODP at BU? I love Bournemouth as a place, but the Uni has great facilities for… Read more » about Operating Department Practice – current student Emily’s POV

Reflecting on my first year: what would I do differently?

Settling into university life Starting university, you quickly realise that it forces a level of independence and responsibility, which can be a massive change from home and for some students, a newfound sense of freedom. It is easy to get carried away with the late nights and lie-ins. I found that by the first few… Read more » about Reflecting on my first year: what would I do differently?

Students in the Cocktail & Mocktail society posing for a group photo

5 ways to make friends at university

Studying at university is incredibly exciting, but for many students it means relocating from your hometown to somewhere completely new – sometimes across the country, or even from another continent! It might seem daunting, but making friends at university is simple. Remember, everyone is in the same boat, so don’t feel as if you’re the… Read more » about 5 ways to make friends at university

A jar full of coins

Everything you need to know about student bank accounts

I’ll be honest, before coming to university I had no idea that student bank accounts were a thing, and so an article like this would have been quite useful! You might be thinking, what’s the point? I already have an account, why do I need another? One word: Freebies! Firstly let’s understand the difference between… Read more » about Everything you need to know about student bank accounts

Summer Ball Survivors group photo

Everything you need to know about the BU Summer Ball

Summer Ball is an exciting time of the year! A place for all students to come together to celebrate the end of the academic year (and the end of their degrees for many students!). It is organised by the student’s union SUBU to fundraise for other activities throughout the next academic year, such as financially… Read more » about Everything you need to know about the BU Summer Ball

Will Rodwell using filming equipment

Lecture vs Seminar?! What is the difference?

At university, you will be exposed to a very different way of learning than you would have had in Secondary School and Sixth Form/College. Higher Education is more focused on independent learning and at BU, we like to see ourselves as colleagues and less as teachers and students. So what actually is the difference between… Read more » about Lecture vs Seminar?! What is the difference?

Bournemouth gardens

5 things to do in Bournemouth during the summer

Arriving to your accommodation early? Staying until your tenancy runs out? Whatever your reason, at some point you’re likely to be in Bournemouth during the summer. When societies take a pause and you’re (temporarily!) free from lectures and seminars, you might start to wonder what to do with your spare time. Of course, Bournemouth is… Read more » about 5 things to do in Bournemouth during the summer

Student Ambassador giving directions at an Open Day

How to make the most of an open day

Open days can be the key to helping you decide which university you go to, but they can seem quite daunting and overwhelming – which is why I’ve put together a guide on making the most of your time at an Open Day, so that you can really discover why BU is for you! First… Read more » about How to make the most of an open day

The Graduate Skills + Awards!

Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! The Graduate Skills + Programme was an extremely well-curated programme to prepare graduates to land a job after they get their degree. The programme consisted of 4 stages – 1) Self-awareness 2) Explore 3) Experience 4) Prepare to apply In each stage, we had to attend… Read more » about The Graduate Skills + Awards!

Pack Smart: Essential Items for International Students Traveling to the UK

Don’t forget to Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! As an international student, moving to the UK is a thrilling experience that needs precise planning when it comes to packing. In my experience as a foreign student, I have learnt what is absolutely necessary to bring, what I neglected to bring, and… Read more » about Pack Smart: Essential Items for International Students Traveling to the UK

Bournemouth railway station train tracks

3 things I did before uni and 3 things I wish I’d done

The summer before starting university can be everything from confusing to exciting to scary. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, so here are the three things I did before uni and the three things I wish I’d done. 1. Get your finances sorted. It’s important to research the cost of tuition, accommodation, and living expenses so… Read more » about 3 things I did before uni and 3 things I wish I’d done