My hunt for a part-time job

Finding a part-time job can be hard, but in the long run hard work pays off. In first year I didn’t bother getting a part time job as I wanted to fully experience university life as a first year. Personally this was a mistake and has led to a massive cost (let’s just say I’m… Read more » about My hunt for a part-time job

Being a part-time postgrad student

Being a part-time postgrad student is, to be honest, hard work!  But fear not, it has its plus sides too!  Here are a few pros and cons from my own experience… When I started out on my Master’s, I naturally wanted to get it done as quickly as possible, to enable speedier career progression.  So,… Read more » about Being a part-time postgrad student

Why I chose part-time study

Having retired a few years ago, I was desperate to keep the grey cells active and was looking for something new to engage with. Having worked all my life with the health professions, I thought it was time to think about other interests, one of which was archaeology. As I was growing up in the… Read more » about Why I chose part-time study

Part-time jobs in Bournemouth

While it’d be ideal for most of us to spend all of our time immersed in the student community, in some cases it’s necessary to earn a few pennies at the same time as studying. Here I’ll give some examples of part-time work available locally. If you really can’t bear to tear yourself away from… Read more » about Part-time jobs in Bournemouth

Thinking about a part-time job?

Alice Fiancet talks about balancing a job with study and the pros and cons of part-time work in Bournemouth… Having a part-time job can be challenging, worthwhile and rewarding… if you can get the balance right. And it’s a great way of ensuring you still have some cash come the end of Freshers’ week… There… Read more » about Thinking about a part-time job?

Part-time jobs

By Rebecca White 2nd year BU Student, BSc (Hons) Archaeology Getting a part-time job definitely helps with expenses. Student loans only go so far, and, too often, they’re running low by the time you’ve paid the rent. On the other hand, part-time jobs are not worth risking your degree. Try to find a job that… Read more » about Part-time jobs

Accommodation exterior

Tackling accommodation & cost of living as a student in Bournemouth

Moving to university can involve a massive number of decisions, with accommodation ranking high among them. This blog will explore the difference between private and uni-managed accommodation while considering district advantages and considerations.   University Halls vs. Private Rentals: University Halls: Living in BU-managed accommodations, such as those in Lansdowne or the Student Village on… Read more » about Tackling accommodation & cost of living as a student in Bournemouth

How much money you need as a student (& money saving tips)

The start of university brings new-found independence and responsibility, especially when it comes to managing your finances. As a student at BU, navigating that financial landscape can be daunting, but with careful planning, restraint, and budgeting, it’s entirely manageable. This blog will cover some of the essentials of student finances, breaking down expenses and offering… Read more » about How much money you need as a student (& money saving tips)

Embracing the local university experience while living at home

Being a university student living at home in the local area offers a unique set of advantages and challenges that contribute to a distinctive academic journey. Many students opt out of traditional student accommodation for various reasons, such as familial ties, pets, financial constraints, relationships, or even health considerations. I’m a mature Masters student studying… Read more » about Embracing the local university experience while living at home

How I manage my student finance

One thing most students worry about before coming to university is money. But, don’t worry, you won’t have to live off Pot Noodles because that is all you can afford. That is a myth. You can eat well and do all the things you want to. The trick is budgeting. Some people do end up… Read more » about How I manage my student finance

How to get ready for uni over the Summer

Congratulations on getting into Bournemouth University, but what happens now and what do you prepare? Preparing for uni can be much more than just a suitcase full of clothes, there is a range of other things you can do to ensure you feel as ready as you can for uni, and the upcoming summer months… Read more » about How to get ready for uni over the Summer

BU Maintenance Bursary

Applying to university can be stressful, and the financial side can be a huge decision breaker when deciding whether to come to university or not. It was definitely one of my initial worries, and although there is a maintenance loan which helps for living costs, this is something that has to be paid back and… Read more » about BU Maintenance Bursary