My first placement as a student nurse

My first placement as a student nurse began in January 2015, after a term at university. The placement details were put online on MyBU around a month prior to starting, and I was so excited I stayed up until midnight so I could find out where my first placement was as soon as they were… Read more » about My first placement as a student nurse

My Academic Excellence Scholarship

My name is Yuchun Liu, I am 25 years old and I come from Taiwan. I was automatically awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship, which at the time was worth £1,000 (it is now worth £3,500 from 2016!) off my tuition. Since the scholarship was “automatic”, it surprised me when I first read my tuition fee note… Read more » about My Academic Excellence Scholarship

Location, location, location

Moving to Bournemouth for university is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only am I studying a course that I love and find incredibly interesting, but I also get to live in one of the nicest places in the country (in my opinion anyway!) Bournemouth has so much to offer and… Read more » about Location, location, location

Work hard, play hard

I’m the type of person that likes to be kept busy; I’m always planning ahead and making plans. I prefer having lots of things going on as I feel it gives me purpose and that’s why one of my favourite sayings (and one I live by at university) is work hard, play hard! University is… Read more » about Work hard, play hard

A mature student’s perspective

As I near the end of my course I am starting to be asked – has it been worth going to university? Without hesitation I offer a resounding YES! But as a mature student your experience isn’t all about the night life (although we have been known to take part at times!). Indeed the sacrifices… Read more » about A mature student’s perspective

The perks of student discount

There are many benefits of being a student – the freedom, the social life, the new friends – but there is also one other big benefit and that’s student discount! When you decide to come to university you may think the financial side of being a student is going to be a struggle. However, many… Read more » about The perks of student discount

What to see at Bournemouth University Open Days

By Cassie Melrose BA (Hons) Retail Management Graduate Attending an open day can be a massive blur of talks and leaflets to read which don’t necessarily tell you everything you want to know so therefore I have given some tips for how I suggest you can best utilise the day. Tip 1:Pre-plan!! Look at and… Read more » about What to see at Bournemouth University Open Days

The things I wish someone had told me before I came to uni

By Sanita Lustika Third year BU student, BA (Hons) Digital Media Design After making this important decision, how do you move and study in a new place, possibly very far from home? To some extent for me it felt almost surreal to take this step, which seemed so big and scary.  It, however, comes with… Read more » about The things I wish someone had told me before I came to uni

collage of two photos. Young women having a picnic at the beach. Young women at a Student Union fair, with a table of temporary tattoos.

Why I chose Bournemouth University

Choosing your university is about more than just what courses are on offer. You’re deciding where you’re going to spend the next three to four years, where you’re going to learn and grow and start a whole new life. Luckily for me, my decision to study at Bournemouth University wasn’t difficult, because I took everything… Read more » about Why I chose Bournemouth University

Turing Scheme - Play Action Uganda - group photo

Volunteering in Uganda through the Turing Scheme funding at BU

My name is Macy Patten, I am 21 and heading into my third year at Bournemouth University where I study BA (Hons) History. The social, cultural, and people-focused modules really interested me, and learning to understand people and society more deeply was something I knew would benefit me personally and professionally in some capacity. Additionally,… Read more » about Volunteering in Uganda through the Turing Scheme funding at BU

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My work abroad experience in Vietnam

I’m Louis, a 21-year-old final-year Business and Management student at BU entering my final year, I knew that I wanted to say ‘yes’ to everything and really make the most out of the opportunities presented to me. When I received the email from BU informing me of the Vietnamese placement opportunity, I knew that it… Read more » about My work abroad experience in Vietnam

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Saying yes to study abroad opportunities at university

At the beginning of 2023, I made a resolution that would change the course of my year: saying “yes” more often. The simple commitment I made to myself wasn’t just about trying different things or exploring new places, it was a promise to myself that I would try to leave my comfort zone, meet new… Read more » about Saying yes to study abroad opportunities at university