Learning to budget from experience

I am Ella Aaltonen from Finland studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design. When I first arrived at university three months ago, I decided to make a budget for each week. I withdrew the budgeted amount of cash and lived of that money for the week. It worked…for a while. Everybody has their own… Read more » about Learning to budget from experience

What to expect from a Bournemouth night out

Social life is an important thing to consider when choosing a University that’s right for you. Bournemouth is practically a students dream with Clubs, bars and an O2 academy all in close proximity.  If you are celebrating or just fancy a night out there’s something for every night of the week! Monday is the indie/alternative night… Read more » about What to expect from a Bournemouth night out

My 3 favourite university experiences so far

It’s difficult to just choose three favourite experiences, but here they are !! Meeting new people – Sounds cliché but I really have met some amazing people over the last 7 months. It was initially quite overwhelming, as you’re meeting people from your course, accommodation, clubs and societies, nights out, through friends of friends and… Read more » about My 3 favourite university experiences so far

The transferable skills studying a Master’s degree has enhanced

Studying a Master’s degree at Bournemouth University has helped enhance and develop transferrable skills which are invaluable when coming to applying for jobs. At undergraduate level and in previous employment these skills are learnt and developed, but they are really tested and developed in postgraduate study! Organisation and time management are two tremendously important skills… Read more » about The transferable skills studying a Master’s degree has enhanced

How PG study differs from UG study

Let me give you a quick rundown of UG study for me: I worked hard, went to every lecture, handed in everything on time, and passed all my exams. I learnt what felt like a lot. I thought I was so grown up. I thought I had got this learning thing down. I mean 2:1s… Read more » about How PG study differs from UG study

My Business School Dean’s Scholarship

I am Esther Fowowe, a 25-year-old international student from Nigeria, currently studying for my Master’s degree, LLM International Tax Law at Bournemouth University. I was privileged to be awarded the Faculty of Management Dean’s International Scholarship which was a £6,000 (50%) reduction in my tuition fee. After my initial application to study at Bournemouth University, I… Read more » about My Business School Dean’s Scholarship

My greatest achievement this year

We’re BUproud of our bloggers, so we asked them to tell us their greatest achievement this year. Beth Cordon Everyone says second year is the hardest, and I’d have to agree that there have been a lot of ups and downs throughout the year and it has been harder than first year. But I feel I… Read more » about My greatest achievement this year

Not so rent free

As the start of my first semester approached, I was definitely apprehensive about living at home. Having already been at a different uni and living in the halls there, I was aware of how different the atmosphere was living with fellow students rather than living with family. I definitely worried that I would be missing… Read more » about Not so rent free

From BU to Volkswagen: a roller-coaster four years!

When friends or family ask me about my university experience, I always smile and feel proud to say I went to Bournemouth University. They were four of the best years of my life and allowed me to experience new adventures and make some long lasting friends. The academic experience, the social life and the beach… Read more » about From BU to Volkswagen: a roller-coaster four years!

Why I chose BU for my Master’s degree

There are many reasons to choose BU for postgraduate study.  Here are the top three reasons why I, personally, chose BU for my Master’s. The place BU was an obvious choice for me as it is the closest university to my home town of Poole.  That said, I would’ve been quite happy to relocate to… Read more » about Why I chose BU for my Master’s degree

Five things to consider when creating a university shortlist

Academic Reputation University is a big commitment, so before deciding upon where you want to study, it’s important you do a bit of research. A key thing most people consider is the reputation that the university has; you can find out this information by looking at university league tables and ratings in the Guardian and… Read more » about Five things to consider when creating a university shortlist