How important are grades? What does (Hons) mean? A comparison of Polish and English universities

Hello, my name is Patrycja and I am studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth University. I’m from Poland and one of the biggest differences between studying in Poland and the UK are the university grading systems. This was quite a surprise for me and it was something I had to get… Read more » about How important are grades? What does (Hons) mean? A comparison of Polish and English universities

Callum Moss’ exchange at Norwegian School of Sports Sciences

This is a guest blog by current student Callum Moss studying BSc (Hons) Sports Development & Coaching Sciences. This is my blog about my exchange to the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in the first semester (August-December) of my 4th and final year. I hope that by reading this some people may feel that they… Read more » about Callum Moss’ exchange at Norwegian School of Sports Sciences

The Student Midwife the toddler and the night shift

As a student midwife I am expected to experience all that midwifery has to offer and this includes the dreaded night shift! Although I faced my first night shift with excitement, dreaming of a busy labour ward and catching my very first baby, an element of fear shrouded my exhilaration… How is my family going… Read more » about The Student Midwife the toddler and the night shift

My dissertation conference

This is a guest blog by BA (Hons) Marketing Communications student Brityn Vreeland. Today I attended Bournemouth University’s 9th annual Promotional Communications Conference, organised by Dr. Tanya Le Roux and Dr. Sae Oshima from the Department of Corporate and Marketing Communications. This year’s conference had the theme of “Revelation, Revolution: learning, and acting”. This theme… Read more » about My dissertation conference

Why you should always take opportunities by the horns! SURE Conference 2019.

This is a guest blog written by Rebecca Fowell, who is currently studying BSc (Hons) Geography at BU. I SURE am happy I took part in the undergrad conference! Coming to university can be a pretty daunting experience. You effectively get kicked out of the nest at 18, you’re surrounded by complete and utter strangers… Read more » about Why you should always take opportunities by the horns! SURE Conference 2019.

My exciting week in Vietnam at the Global Festival of Learning 2019

The Global Festival of Learning is based on Bournemouth University’s successful UK based Festival, and is a platform that celebrates learning, disseminates cutting edge research and delivers impact across borders. And when I received an email offering any students undertaking the Global Talent Programme the opportunity to apply for this year’s festival, I knew it… Read more » about My exciting week in Vietnam at the Global Festival of Learning 2019

Second Year: International Field Trip to Costa Rica

So I’m studying BSc (Hons) Geography! The international field trip is an optional unit in the second year of some courses under the category of Life and Environmental Sciences in the faculty of Science and Technology including Geography, Environmental Science, Ecology and Wildlife Conservation and Biological Sciences. The destination of the trip has been known… Read more » about Second Year: International Field Trip to Costa Rica

Study Tips Whilst at Uni

Uni is very different from school or college! You will most likely be expected to be a little more independent and are required to spend a good amount of time independently completing wider reading for your course. I definitely struggled with this when I arrived at uni, as although there is available support from lecturers… Read more » about Study Tips Whilst at Uni

How to stop being a slave to our phones

I often find myself in a constant state of procrastination, spending way too much time on my phone, and chances are you do too!!! It’s 2019 and not a moment goes by uncaptured by our phones. Banking/photos/messaging/calling/internet/emails/calculator/tv/ social media/dating apps/music, the list is endless! It has been proven that spending too much time on your… Read more » about How to stop being a slave to our phones