James and friends with media equipment taking selfie

A mature fish out of water – my undergrad experience as a mature student

If you’re anything like me, you find yourself watching a video for a moment too long on social media, and suddenly you are part of that algorithm… for me, it was Gary Vaynerchuck, better known on his socials as Gary Vee. Before I knew it, I was being screamed at in a high-pitched voice about… Read more » about A mature fish out of water – my undergrad experience as a mature student

A jar full of coins

Money-saving app recommendations

Saving money and endless searching for discounts is a critical part of being a student. You’ve paid your tuition, you’ve paid your rent, now what? What money do you have left to spend on yourself? Don’t fret; I’m here to share my favourite apps to help you save money as a student. Food Shopping is… Read more » about Money-saving app recommendations

Advice on how to choose a university

Thinking about the future can be daunting (I know – stressful and confusing!) especially when you have recently chosen your A-level subjects, or BTEC’s. Sometimes, you could want a change in career by the end of your A-levels and this is completely normal being young. Heads up – you don’t necessarily need to pursue a… Read more » about Advice on how to choose a university

CMAE Student Award winner Joe Evans.

Award-winning Sports student on life at BU

Joseph Evans recently graduated from BSc Sports Psychology and Coaching Sciences (now BSc Sport Coaching). In recognition of his achievements, Joseph was awarded the Club Management Association of Europe (CMAE) Student Award. We caught up with him to find out how he found his experience of studying at BU and what he plans to do… Read more » about Award-winning Sports student on life at BU

Smiling girl, sitting, holding up her fingers in peace signs, in the Nerve Radio station. There is a mic and radio desk in front of her.

Three clubs to try in the New Year, and why societies can help you!

2024 is here, and a new year is a great reason to try new things! When I first moved away from home, I struggled to find my feet and places I belonged, but my university experience got so much better when I started getting involved with everything Bournemouth has to offer. I became much happier… Read more » about Three clubs to try in the New Year, and why societies can help you!

Traveling via air to Bournemouth

Navigating from Nigeria to BU: A traveler’s guide

Traveling from your city to Bournemouth University can be an exhilarating experience. As a Jan starter and an international student, I had a lot of information that helped my transition which would be beneficial to you. Preparation is Key Attending virtual open days or engaging with current students through platforms like Unibuddy allows you to… Read more » about Navigating from Nigeria to BU: A traveler’s guide

Travel trips for students – Bournemouth and Beyond

Embarking on your student journey in the UK reveals an array of transport options, crucial for navigating the city of Bournemouth and beyond. Transport Types Buses When it comes to public transport, buses are one of the most common forms of transport and are often cost-effective, especially for longer trips. A bus network is a… Read more » about Travel trips for students – Bournemouth and Beyond

What is ResLifeBU? And its perks!

Choosing between all of the accommodation options at Bournemouth University can be challenging, but luckily living in any of the BU Halls of Residence (full list available here) will give you access to ResLifeBU, including their social events, clubs, and more! My name is Andrew, and in my first year studying at BU, I lived… Read more » about What is ResLifeBU? And its perks!

BU Law student, Susie smiles at the camera in a selfie style photo. Her auburn hair is long, draped over her shoulders. She wears a grey roll neck jumper.

Susie’s experience as a BU Law student

I live locally so it was an easy choice to make studying at Bournemouth University. Coupled with Bournemouth being ranked number 3 in the 2024 Complete University Guide for graduate prospects, it was an easy decision. The university works closely with local law firms, creating a great foundation for students at BU to pursue a… Read more » about Susie’s experience as a BU Law student

Representing BU at the IMechE challenge

Jacob Whitelegg is a Mechanical Engineering graduate who took part in the IMechE challenge this year, representing Bournemouth University. In his guest blog, he reflects on the challenge and his time as a student. Tell us about the IMechE challenge. What did you do? I was part of Bournemouth University’s “2nd” year team, known as… Read more » about Representing BU at the IMechE challenge

My Hackathon event experience

During my reading week in the first semester of my second year of studies, I participated in the Bournemouth University X ClickASnap & Teemill Hackathon event, run by the Computing and Informatics department! This was the second Hackathon event I have taken part in, and these events were open to all students within both the… Read more » about My Hackathon event experience