Reflecting on my first year: what would I do differently?

Settling into university life Starting university, you quickly realise that it forces a level of independence and responsibility, which can be a massive change from home and for some students, a newfound sense of freedom. It is easy to get carried away with the late nights and lie-ins. I found that by the first few… Read more » about Reflecting on my first year: what would I do differently?

Top tips list

Dear first years…. advice for starting your first year at BU from a second year student

  The anxiety of A-level results day has passed, and now you are fulfilling the next chapter of your education and life journey…. studying at university away from home. A new city, new study, new people, and new living – everything will be unfamiliar and exciting. Welcome to Bournemouth University! Where you will be studying… Read more » about Dear first years…. advice for starting your first year at BU from a second year student

The Old Fire Station

Freshers Week: Expectations Vs Reality

One of the highlights for students who join BU every year is Freshers Week! Freshers Week is an opportunity to go out, have fun, take part in activities, and meet new friends! In this blog, I talk about my experience of Freshers Week at BU, including what my expectations were Vs the reality. Before I… Read more » about Freshers Week: Expectations Vs Reality

Eduard and a group of friends at a restaurant take a group photo at the table

Volunteering in South Africa as part of the Turing Scheme study abroad placement

This is a guest blog by Eduard, a Romanian, UK resident studying Geography at Bournemouth University. Eduard shares their experience of the Turing Scheme. I chose to study geography because I have always been interested in how humans interact with nature and how different cultures and beliefs interact with each other. As my university life… Read more » about Volunteering in South Africa as part of the Turing Scheme study abroad placement

Cultural curiosities: unraveling the British fascination with weather – an Indian student’s perspective

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories! The British fascination with weather is a cultural peculiarity that has long intrigued people from around the world. From casual conversations to news headlines, weather is a ubiquitous topic in British society. As an Indian student studying in the United Kingdom, I have come… Read more » about Cultural curiosities: unraveling the British fascination with weather – an Indian student’s perspective

Seizing the Opportunity: Getting Turing Scheme funding for a summer school course in France

Brief Explanation of the Turing Scheme: The Turing Scheme, named after the famous British mathematician Alan Turing, is a UK government initiative that replaced the Erasmus+ program after Brexit. Its primary aim is to provide opportunities for students to study, work, or gain practical experiences abroad. Partnering with higher education institutions across the world, the… Read more » about Seizing the Opportunity: Getting Turing Scheme funding for a summer school course in France

Group of students sat together around a table studying

Unlocking opportunities: embracing clubs and societies at BU

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories! When I embarked on my journey as an international student at Bournemouth University, little did I know that my first year would be a masterclass in personal growth and cultural integration. Reflecting on my experiences, there’s one thing I wish I had done differently:… Read more » about Unlocking opportunities: embracing clubs and societies at BU

Embracing opportunities: my journey as a Student Ambassador at BU

Embarking on a university journey is a pivotal moment in any student’s life. When I set foot on the vibrant campus of Bournemouth University, little did I know that my experience would be elevated to extraordinary heights by becoming a Student Ambassador. In this blog, I want to share my personal journey as a Bournemouth… Read more » about Embracing opportunities: my journey as a Student Ambassador at BU

Chizuru Tanaka standing with 3 colleagues

How I used the Turing Scheme for my MBA project

Hello everyone! My name is Chizuru Tanaka and I am delighted to introduce you to my Turing Scheme experience. First of all, I would like to introduce my background. I have been working for a Japanese bank and am taking advantage of my company’s sabbatical leave system to study an MBA course here at Bournemouth… Read more » about How I used the Turing Scheme for my MBA project

How the Turing Scheme helped me travel 11,564 miles away from home, to New Zealand!

My name is Alexandra Southgate, and I am a Business & Management student at Bournemouth University. I have recently come back from my placement and I was lucky enough to complete 11,564 miles away from home, in New Zealand! For as long as I can remember, I have had a desire to travel and work… Read more » about How the Turing Scheme helped me travel 11,564 miles away from home, to New Zealand!

Navigating education: a comparative look at UK and Indian teaching styles and grading systems

Embarking on a journey as an international student, I immersed myself in two distinct worlds of education: the United Kingdom and India. The contrasts in teaching styles and grading systems between these two countries have offered me invaluable insights into diverse approaches to learning. In the UK, education focuses on fostering critical thinking and independent… Read more » about Navigating education: a comparative look at UK and Indian teaching styles and grading systems