When applying for university your personal statement is there to help place you above the other candidates, make you stand out and is really there to show off your skills, some personality, and your past qualifications to show why you should be picked over another person. As much as it may feel weird to write… Read more » about Why extra curriculum activities are important for your personal statement
Guest Blogger: Amanda Chu’s exchange to Institute for Tourism (IFT) Studies in Macau
This is a guest blog by current student Amanda Chu. I saw the opportunity to study abroad and I loved the idea of doing a semester somewhere else rather than in Bournemouth. However, I was very nervous before I made the final decision to go abroad. This is because I had always lived and studied… Read more » about Guest Blogger: Amanda Chu’s exchange to Institute for Tourism (IFT) Studies in Macau
Why Bournemouth University and an Internship in Tunisia?
This is a guest blog by current student Ana Paula Teixeira, studying MSc Marketing Management. Back in March of 2018 I felt a growing urge for transformation. I was not even sure the “transformation” I was looking for was related to professional, personal or even spiritual issues. I started researching about several subjects in marketing,… Read more » about Why Bournemouth University and an Internship in Tunisia?
Ten Essential Apps for a Bournemouth University Student
As a university student, some of the apps that you can get which just make life a little easier for yourself, are incredible. Here are ten of the most essential apps that you may need as a Bournemouth University student. Student Discount Apps – StudentBeans, Totum and UniDays In addition to having your student identification… Read more » about Ten Essential Apps for a Bournemouth University Student
Where to shop in Bournemouth
Cher, an American MA Radio Production student, talks to us about shopping in Bournemouth.
A Day in the Life of a Computer Animation Art & Design Student
This is a guest blog by current student Stephanie Robert, studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design. Studying animation is a challenging course, but every day allows you to do what you enjoy doing. The assignments allow you to be innovative and creative, pushing your work in whichever direction you choose. Spread across the… Read more » about A Day in the Life of a Computer Animation Art & Design Student
Learning to work as a group, and working to learn as a group
Hello, my name is Patrycja from Poland, and I study BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design at Bournemouth University. At university, there are lots of different ways to learn: some are implied by the type of assessment and some have to be discovered by the student themselves. Independent learning is a big part of… Read more » about Learning to work as a group, and working to learn as a group
The warm welcome of the International Commencement Ceremony
Hi! I am Sujata Shekhawat from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. Bournemouth University is really diverse, and I was amazed to see that it has students from almost all the parts of the world, which is really amazing. Studying at an international university with such a diverse range of nationalities helps… Read more » about The warm welcome of the International Commencement Ceremony
The university food shop: tips, tricks and getting to grips
Moving away to university can be difficult, as for many of you it will be your first experience living on your own. This means having to look after yourself… those pre cooked frozen meals your mum made you won’t last forever! It is easy to be so wrapped up in the one million other things… Read more » about The university food shop: tips, tricks and getting to grips
A student guide to laundry
Laundry whilst living in halls is something that is very quick and easy to get the hang off, thanks to what is offered to you by your accommodation and what you receive is similar across all the accommodations. Going into university, this wasn’t something I was fully used to doing it myself, but the halls… Read more » about A student guide to laundry
The UK festival scene
Cher, an MA Radio Production student from the USA, talks to us about her experience of UK festivals.
Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier
Graduating is always the icing on the cake when it comes to education. It is that moment when you finally close the chapter to one part of your educational story. Graduating with a postgraduate degree in Events Management was my second biggest accomplishment; my first being graduating from my undergraduate degree. However, with graduation comes… Read more » about Graduation beckons – three things I wish I’d known earlier