Making the most of a January start

Are you thinking about postgraduate study in 2020? Why not start this month –  Bournemouth University has a wide range of  Master’s degrees available. Bournemouth is my hometown – I was born and raised here – so for me, it was a no-brainer to do my masters at BU as I have lived here my… Read more » about Making the most of a January start

Having a wonderful Christmas time!

Lights are up in Bournemouth, trees festoon every store, Starbucks is stocking Eggnog Lattes…yes, Christmas is just over a week away! Naturally, there have been plenty of things to do around Bournemouth Uni at this time – earlier this month, SUBU arranged the Christmas Fair; with confectionery, clothes shopping and fresh cupcakes, it was a… Read more » about Having a wonderful Christmas time!

Choosing Physiotherapy

Getting an offer from Bournemouth University for Physiotherapy has been one my biggest opportunities to date. Although coming straight from Sixth Form made me nervous initially, with perhaps less clinical experience than more mature students, I soon realised this is to everyone’s advantage. As a small cohort you get to know other students well and… Read more » about Choosing Physiotherapy

An English Christmas for an Indian Girl

Before moving to Bournemouth, my idea of Christmas was based on movies and books. Indian Christmas is different- a week of holidays, adorable little stars hanging outside every home, and giant Christmas trees in shopping malls. The world in my books and films and the world around me were so far apart, I could have… Read more » about An English Christmas for an Indian Girl

Group picture outside Chinese pagoda

Amir’s trip to ICT summer school in China

This is a guest blog by Amir Khan, BSc (Hons) Computer Networks. In July 2019, I was sponsored to attend an ICT summer school in Xi’an, China, alongside four other students from Bournemouth University. We were summer school students of Xidian University for 10 days accompanied by 77 other students from 23 countries. Xidian Unversity… Read more » about Amir’s trip to ICT summer school in China

Starting out on a Computing degree at BU … at 46!

Computing is something I have been interested in since my early 20s.  At the time, being married with a couple of small kids, it wasn’t something I ever thought I would be able to do. Fast forward more than 20 years, and here I am, at Bournemouth University studying Computing.  With a lot of encouragement… Read more » about Starting out on a Computing degree at BU … at 46!

5 ways to celebrate the festive season on a student budget

Christmas is fast approaching, and as well as December deadlines and January exams, trying to budget over the festive season can be very difficult. But fear not – there are definitely ways to celebrate the holidays on a student budget! Each year my housemates and I find new and exciting activities that require minimum spending…… Read more » about 5 ways to celebrate the festive season on a student budget

Sophia’s trip to the European Cyber Security Challenge

Cyber security is becoming increasingly important as more of us rely on technology in our daily lives. Our guest blogger Sophia is in her final year of studying BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management and has had the amazing opportunity to compete against international opponents in the European Cyber Security Challenge. Here she tells us more… Read more » about Sophia’s trip to the European Cyber Security Challenge

From surviving an one-in-a-million rare blood disease to qualifying as an ODP

My name is Sam Castro and I am currently a second year student at Bournemouth University studying Operating Department Practice. My story begins on the May bank holiday weekend in 2014.  I had just finished another 50-hour week at the office.  I was feeling pretty tired but I had put that down to having a… Read more » about From surviving an one-in-a-million rare blood disease to qualifying as an ODP

Nursing student story: from managing finance to overcoming the most challenging year

This is a guest blog by Daniel Fry, BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing student. Financial implications: Having had in excess of 10 years’ experience working in an acute hospital I assumed that I was ready to take on the challenge of completing my training. When actually starting the adult nursing degree in 2017 we were the… Read more » about Nursing student story: from managing finance to overcoming the most challenging year