Hi! My name is Sujata Singh, from India, and I am studying MA Media and Communication. Bournemouth University has a diverse range of students from different parts of the world. There’s also a lovely Indian community in Bournemouth, and here are some of my experiences: Indian Friend Circle – I’m really happy with the fact… Read more » about An Indian in Bournemouth

An American Postgrad in Bournemouth
Hi, my name is Garrett Bucklin, I am an American and have been living in Bournemouth for about 9 months now. I am currently on the MBA program and have enjoyed every minute of my time here. There is quite a diversity to the culture out here. As Bournemouth is a university town, it means… Read more » about An American Postgrad in Bournemouth

What’s it like studying MA Media and Communication at BU?
Hi! I am Sujata Shekhawat from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. This blog will give you an idea of my experience of the course. Let’s get started! I applied to lot of Universities in the UK to study my Master’s. It was really difficult for me to make a final choice,… Read more » about What’s it like studying MA Media and Communication at BU?
MBA at BU: Setting you on the right path for the future
Hi my name is Garrett and today I am going to be talking to you about the Master of Business Administration program here at Bournemouth University. It is one of the most highly respected programs out there as a business degree. One of the best things about receiving an MBA is that it covers all… Read more » about MBA at BU: Setting you on the right path for the future
Don’t expect 90% grades! How does India’s grading system compare to the UK’s?
Hi everyone! I am Sujata Shekhawat from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. Going abroad to study is an amazing experience which you will cherish throughout your life. But the best way to make your study experience smooth is to make yourself acquainted with the study system of the country you’re going… Read more » about Don’t expect 90% grades! How does India’s grading system compare to the UK’s?

My 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head
Sijuade Yusuf is doing a 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head. Here’s a Q&A on her experience. Three words to describe your placement search: Full-on-research, devotion and doggedness What did you find the most helpful in your placement search?: Career Hub is indeed a great resource. All the help that is needed can be gotten on… Read more » about My 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head

Be active: keeping fit in body and mind
Hello there, my name is Alejandra, I’m a postgraduate student from Colombia. For me, exercise has always been an important part of my life, mostly because it makes me feel better and helps me cope with stressful events. Exercise can help you relieve stress, keep your mind focused on one activity rather than in your… Read more » about Be active: keeping fit in body and mind

70% is good? Grading systems in the UK compared to the States
Hi my name is Garrett Bucklin, I am from the United States and I’m currently a Master’s student at Bournemouth University. My undergraduate education was based around both business marketing as well as business management, which has been a nice lead up to my Master’s in Business Administration. There are many differences when transitioning into… Read more » about 70% is good? Grading systems in the UK compared to the States

Top tips on studying MSc Public Health
Hello, my name is Ijeoma Madukaife, a Public Health Master’s degree student 2018/2019. You are probably asking yourself, am I sure this is the right course for me? Well, my answer is YES!! First of all, not everyone has it all figured out. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Public Health is all about… Read more » about Top tips on studying MSc Public Health
My experience as an MA Radio Production student
MA Radio Production student Cher Dunn talks to us about her Masters in this podcast, and shares her experiences as a postgraduate student.

BU graduate named Lawyer of the Year
A commercial property lawyer and BU alumnus has been named Lawyer of the Year at the Dorset Legal Awards. William Warnock completed the Graduate Diploma in Law at BU in 2010 and went on to complete the Legal Practice Course (LPC) in 2018. He is currently a Commercial Property Lawyer based at Dutton Gregory’s Poole… Read more » about BU graduate named Lawyer of the Year

My fascination with medicine led me to Physician Associate Studies
I have always had a fascination with medicine from an early age but medical school wasn’t an option for me back in the late 80s. I eventually trained as a Podiatrist, a role which I enjoyed for 10 years, but all the while felt I wanted more. I was watching an episode of ‘GPs behind… Read more » about My fascination with medicine led me to Physician Associate Studies