A season of good memories and lots of learning

I am Patricia Britto from Brazil studying a Master’s in International Political Communication here at BU since September 2017. Studying in another country means a great life change. In addition to differences in language, the cultural differences are everywhere – in food, habits, behaviour, expressions, way of seeing life and so on. At the same… Read more » about A season of good memories and lots of learning

Researching for my Masters and how I feel it has paid off….

I am Bruna Tolomeli from Brazil studying a Master’s in Post Production Editing here at BU since September 2017. Deciding to engage into a Master’s degree was a turning moment in my life. Choosing which university was the best fit for me was hard work. I started looking for options very early on. Studying in… Read more » about Researching for my Masters and how I feel it has paid off….

Funding options in Denmark – putting in the effort pays off

My name is Trine Olsen, I am a current BU student studying a Master’s in Forensic Anthropology and am originally from Denmark. Being from Denmark means that you are in a pretty unique situation – your studies at BU will be almost certainly funded by the Danish state. This is enough to survive on, but… Read more » about Funding options in Denmark – putting in the effort pays off

How to pay for a UK master’s degree if you are a Bulgarian Student?

My name is Martina Gardeva, I am a Bulgarian student currently studying a Master’s in Tourism Management and Marketing here at BU. Like me, I am sure you are wondering how you can finance higher education in the United Kingdom. Back in Bulgaria I did lots research on available funding opportunities and I am happy… Read more » about How to pay for a UK master’s degree if you are a Bulgarian Student?

Getting to know BU before you arrive – online events

I am Ella Aaltonen from Finland studying a Bachelor’s in Computer Animation Art & Design here at BU since September 2017. If like me, at the beginning of your research you are curious to learn more about Bournemouth University but don’t know where to find more information, I recommend attending the online events that BU… Read more » about Getting to know BU before you arrive – online events