Studying in the UK for sure is totally different from the comfort zone that you have back in your home country. Lying down on the sofa after class, chilling and waiting for nice homemade food from your mom, not any more. When you study aboard like in the UK It’s more challenging than you expect…. Read more » about It’s tough, but it’s worth it
SUBU what’s in it for you?
What do the following words have in common–a voice for students, advice, fun events/activities, clubs and societies, and Nerve* Media? Students Union at Bournemouth University (aka SUBU) and you (plus the whole of your university career, of course). [To be read in Morgan Freeman’s voice] Here at BU, we like to give you options. Options… Read more » about SUBU what’s in it for you?
Take a good look around
Getting a glimpse of what it means to study at BU, seeing the crowds, getting a feel of the town and the Campus was, for me, one incredible experience. Since I’m a student of the School of Tourism, I got to tour around Talbot Campus. However, since Lansdowne Campus is very much a part of… Read more » about Take a good look around
Better together in uni accommodation
I’m taking Msc Event Marketing. Now I’m in the second semester and it’s quite fun studying the core course, rather than the basic units in the last semester. Personally, I stay in a private flat with my Italian flatmate near Bournemouth square, but she isn’t a student. I found this place by searching on…. Read more » about Better together in uni accommodation
BU graduates’ out of this world success on VFX for Gravity
Graduates and lecturers from BU’s National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA) have reached for the stars with their work on the award-winning visual effects for the film Gravity. The blockbuster, which stars George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, won in a number of high-profile categories at the 2014 BAFTAs – including Outstanding British Film and Best… Read more » about BU graduates’ out of this world success on VFX for Gravity
To MSc or not to MSc?
Hopefully you’re not yet slipping into a Hamlet-esque soliloquy contemplating whether or not to go into postgraduate study but, since you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably pondering taking the plunge, whether this is into an MSc, an MA, an MBA, or any of the other acronyms denoting a postgraduate qualification! Going into postgraduate study… Read more » about To MSc or not to MSc?
Choosing Bournemouth: sun, trips and the beach
Deciding where to attend uni, specially as a PG student, should be as much about the academics as about the location. Hopefully, apart from having to set up camp in the library to get assignments in on time, you will feel the desire to explore and do as many things as possible to truly enjoy… Read more » about Choosing Bournemouth: sun, trips and the beach
Media School Introduce 3 new MA’s
The Media School is launching a new Master’s programme this September, MA Media and Communication. This will be the first Master’s in the Media School to offer an optional extended industry placement. Students can spend 30 weeks working within the media or communications industry as part of their study. The School’s placement office, with over… Read more » about Media School Introduce 3 new MA’s
Endless opportunities
By Penelope Pinder As a postgraduate student doing the MA in Social Work at BUs Lansdowne Campus, I would recommend the course to anyone who has a good work ethic! Postgraduate study is certainly more intense than an undergraduate degree, but personally, I’m enjoying every second. Sometimes I get a little behind on work or… Read more » about Endless opportunities
Time for a change
By Merna Ghabbour It was June 2012; I was re-evaluating what I wanted out of life, specifically my career path. I liked what I was doing for a time, but I wanted more, so I sat in front of my computer for hours on end. I always had a knack for ethics and I enjoyed… Read more » about Time for a change
The BIG Leap
By Daphne Oliveras Being a PG student at BU has given me a chance to face new challenges and rise above them like nothing before in my life. I’m not even out of my first semester and I already feel like a much better stronger person for having come here. One week after arriving at BU… Read more » about The BIG Leap