Being a student can be a tough time financially, but the strain is eased by making use of your student discount. Your student card can be used to get discounts from a vast range of shops and services, plus you can get extra discounts by buying an NUS Extra card. Here are my top tips… Read more » about Making the most of student discounts
Coping with homesickness
Homesickness is something that affects many students, and not just those who have travelled hundreds of miles to university. Even if you only live a short distance away, you’ll probably miss home at some point. You might even feel fine at the beginning, but suddenly start feeling homesick after you’ve settled in. As postgraduate students,… Read more » about Coping with homesickness
Why I love being a BU sport scholar
Receiving a BU Sport Scholarship is about more than just money. We asked some of our students what it means to them to have a Sport Scholarship, and here’s what they said: Chloe Thomas – table tennis My name is Chloe and I am a first year student at Bournemouth Uni, studying Nutrition. I am a Welsh… Read more » about Why I love being a BU sport scholar
Undergraduate to postgraduate study: A big step!
Some days, postgraduate life seems very different from undergrad. Gone are the carefree days where it was fine – even expected – to spend all day in bed, your entire loan in one week, and all your free time napping. It cannot be emphasised enough that studying a postgraduate course is a hugely rewarding and… Read more » about Undergraduate to postgraduate study: A big step!
Balancing study and a part-time job
Many students work part-time alongside studying, either because they need some extra funds or they just want to be independent. Some students also want to gain relevant experience to enhance their employability or simply want to explore life “out there”. Whatever the reason is, I believe a part-time job will surely benefit you in one… Read more » about Balancing study and a part-time job
Moving to the UK to study Archaeology
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to live in the UK. It wasn’t until I found my love for history and science that I knew my way to live in the UK was going to be through education, and I am glad Bournemouth is the school I am studying in now. … Read more » about Moving to the UK to study Archaeology
Moving to Bournemouth from Brazil
The main reasons I chose BU are the location and atmosphere of the city, reputation of the university and support to international students. Applying to BU was easy as the system is friendly, the instructions are clear and the admissions team is very efficient. My BU life has been incredible! The university really supports international… Read more » about Moving to Bournemouth from Brazil
My BU Dean’s Scholarship
Continuing studying at postgraduate level is a big decision, not least because of the financial implications. Unlike with undergraduate studies there is currently no government loan system for funding a Master’s course, at least not yet. I just missed out on the government loans of up to £10,000 for postgraduates, which will be available for… Read more » about My BU Dean’s Scholarship
My BU experience
When I was searching for an MA programme, I loved the fact that BU differentiated itself from other universities by offering a more practical approach to my learning–that is why I ultimately chose to study at BU. I was able to learn the theory behind public relations and then I was able to put that… Read more » about My BU experience
Why I chose BU
My name is Angelique and I am a citizen of the United States of America. I chose Bournemouth University because I used the books that were written by the lecturers there to obtain my Bachelor’s in the States. Bournemouth also showed more interest in me than any other school that I applied to in the… Read more » about Why I chose BU
From Brazil to Bournemouth
I always wanted to experience living abroad as I could challenge myself, live with other cultures, develop my English language skills and face situations that make me leave my comfort zone. It was easy for me to pick the country I wanted to live in; UK universities are some of the most traditional in the… Read more » about From Brazil to Bournemouth
Ten things I’ve learnt so far
Since starting at Bournemouth University in September, I’ve learnt so many things in a short space of time. It’s only since the first term has ended that I’ve had a chance to reflect and realise just how much of a journey it’s been. Here are ten of the main things I’ve picked up so far…. Read more » about Ten things I’ve learnt so far