A season of good memories and lots of learning

I am Patricia Britto from Brazil studying a Master’s in International Political Communication here at BU since September 2017. Studying in another country means a great life change. In addition to differences in language, the cultural differences are everywhere – in food, habits, behaviour, expressions, way of seeing life and so on. At the same… Read more » about A season of good memories and lots of learning

Researching for my Masters and how I feel it has paid off….

I am Bruna Tolomeli from Brazil studying a Master’s in Post Production Editing here at BU since September 2017. Deciding to engage into a Master’s degree was a turning moment in my life. Choosing which university was the best fit for me was hard work. I started looking for options very early on. Studying in… Read more » about Researching for my Masters and how I feel it has paid off….

Funding options in Denmark – putting in the effort pays off

My name is Trine Olsen, I am a current BU student studying a Master’s in Forensic Anthropology and am originally from Denmark. Being from Denmark means that you are in a pretty unique situation – your studies at BU will be almost certainly funded by the Danish state. This is enough to survive on, but… Read more » about Funding options in Denmark – putting in the effort pays off