Cultural curiosities: unraveling the British fascination with weather – an Indian student’s perspective

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories! The British fascination with weather is a cultural peculiarity that has long intrigued people from around the world. From casual conversations to news headlines, weather is a ubiquitous topic in British society. As an Indian student studying in the United Kingdom, I have come… Read more » about Cultural curiosities: unraveling the British fascination with weather – an Indian student’s perspective

Packing essentials for international students in the UK within 46 kg luggage allowance limit!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories!  Hey there, fellow globetrotters! So, you’ve decided to embark on an epic journey as an international student in the UK? That’s totally awesome! Studying abroad is all about new adventures, culture shocks, and making unforgettable memories. But before you dive headfirst into this… Read more » about Packing essentials for international students in the UK within 46 kg luggage allowance limit!

A transformative adventure: studying abroad at Audencia Business School in France with the help of the Turing Scheme

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories! Bonjour! Today, I am excited to share my unforgettable journey of academic exploration and cultural immersion during my month at Audencia Business School in Nantes, France. Thanks to the invaluable support of the Turing Scheme, I had the opportunity to not only enhance my… Read more » about A transformative adventure: studying abroad at Audencia Business School in France with the help of the Turing Scheme

Navigating the housing market as an international student in the UK: Tips for finding suitable private accommodation and settling into your new home

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories!  Moving to the UK as an international student is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and learning. However, the process of finding suitable private accommodation and settling into a new home can be overwhelming. In this blog, we will explore how… Read more » about Navigating the housing market as an international student in the UK: Tips for finding suitable private accommodation and settling into your new home

Seizing the Opportunity: Getting Turing Scheme funding for a summer school course in France

Brief Explanation of the Turing Scheme: The Turing Scheme, named after the famous British mathematician Alan Turing, is a UK government initiative that replaced the Erasmus+ program after Brexit. Its primary aim is to provide opportunities for students to study, work, or gain practical experiences abroad. Partnering with higher education institutions across the world, the… Read more » about Seizing the Opportunity: Getting Turing Scheme funding for a summer school course in France

Finding a Sense of Belonging: Tips for International Students to Create a Home in the UK Away from Home

Don’t forget to Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! Leaving behind the family and venturing into the unknown is a journey filled with mixed emotions for international students. As someone who has embarked on this path myself, I understand the profound longing for a sense of belonging. In this blog post, I will… Read more » about Finding a Sense of Belonging: Tips for International Students to Create a Home in the UK Away from Home

A Blessing in Disguise: How a £3500 Academic Excellence Scholarship Alleviated Financial Strain for Me and My Family

Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! Education has the power to transform lives, but the financial burden associated with pursuing higher education can often be overwhelming. As a student facing financial constraints, the opportunity to receive a scholarship can be a ray of hope. In my journey as an aspiring student from… Read more » about A Blessing in Disguise: How a £3500 Academic Excellence Scholarship Alleviated Financial Strain for Me and My Family

Fusion Delights: Blending Indian Flavors with Local Ingredients in the UK

Don’t forget to Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! Food has a remarkable ability to bridge cultures and bring people together. As an Indian student studying in the UK, I have discovered the joy of combining traditional Indian flavours with the local ingredients found in this beautiful country. In this blog post, I… Read more » about Fusion Delights: Blending Indian Flavors with Local Ingredients in the UK

Navigating Your First Year of University: An International Student’s Journey

Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! As an international student studying MSc in Management with Business Analytics at Bournemouth University in the UK, I vividly remember my first year of university. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to homesickness and uncertainty. In this blog post, I want to… Read more » about Navigating Your First Year of University: An International Student’s Journey

A Student’s Guide to Attending Lectures

Follow us on Instagram for more news and international student stories! As a student at Bournemouth University, attending lectures is a fundamental part of your academic experience. However, attending lectures can be challenging, particularly if you find it difficult to stay focused or take practical notes. In this post, we’ll provide you with some practical tips to… Read more » about A Student’s Guide to Attending Lectures

Chinese New Year - The Year of the Rabbit

The History of Lunar New Year

As an Indian student living in the UK, I have always been fascinated by the rich cultural traditions and customs of other countries. The Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival, is one such tradition that has always caught my attention. The Lunar New Year is based on the… Read more » about The History of Lunar New Year

How I got a paid placement in UK as an international student….

As summer was approaching I was super nervous and at the same time excited about applying for multiple jobs at multiple companies for my placement year. For sure, it was a roller coaster ride. I did not know where to get started and had suffered many setbacks but in the end, all of it was… Read more » about How I got a paid placement in UK as an international student….