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As a student at Bournemouth University, attending lectures is a fundamental part of your academic experience. However, attending lectures can be challenging, particularly if you find it difficult to stay focused or take practical notes. In this post, we’ll provide you with some practical tips to help you attend lectures more effectively, from taking notes to staying focused.

Picture of a BU notebook with a pen

Taking Effective Notes

Taking practical notes during lectures is essential to retaining information and staying on top of your coursework. Here are some tips to help you take better notes:

  1. Use abbreviations: Using abbreviations can help you take notes more quickly and efficiently. For example, you could use “w/” instead of “with” or “bc” instead of “because.”
  2. Organize notes by topic: Organizing your notes by topic can help you stay focused and retain information more effectively. Consider using headings or subheadings to separate different topics.
  3. Use bullet points: Bullet points can help you distil key information and avoid getting bogged down in lengthy paragraphs. Make sure your bullet points are brief and to the point.

Staying Focused

Staying focused during lectures can be challenging, particularly if you’re easily distracted. Here are some tips to help you stay focused during lectures:

  1. Sit in the front of the classroom: Sitting in the front of the classroom can help you stay focused and engaged in the lecture. It can also help you avoid distractions like other students or your phone.
  2. Actively participate in class discussions: Actively participating in class discussions can help you stay engaged and retain information more effectively. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or contribute to the conversation.
  3. Take breaks: Taking short breaks during long lectures can help you stay focused and avoid getting burnt out. Consider standing up and stretching for a few minutes or taking a quick walk around the classroom.

Reviewing Lecture Material

Reviewing lecture material is essential to retaining information and staying on top of your coursework. Here are some tips to help you review lecture material more effectively:

  1. Review notes soon after class: Reviewing your notes soon after class can help you retain information more effectively. Consider summarizing key points or highlighting key takeaways.
  2. Summarize key points: Summarizing key points can distill information and reinforce your understanding of the material. Consider summarizing each lecture in a few sentences or bullet points.
  3. Make connections to other course material: Making connections between lecture material and other course material can help you retain information more effectively and build a more comprehensive understanding of the material.

Taking effective notes, staying focused, and reviewing lecture material are all essential to retaining information and staying on top of your coursework. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to attending lectures more effectively and getting the most out of your academic experience at Bournemouth University.

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